~Chapter 2~

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The sky is grey today. I sigh dramatically.
"It's the last day of freshman year and it's terrible weather!" I spin around and throw my shirt at Vanessa. "I can't wear red if it's cloudy!!" I tear up. Everything is ruined. I flop on my bed and sob. I was so excited for today, it can't even be good weather. Vanessa disappears into my huge walk-in closet for a moment, then comes out with a pink and white outfit. I jump up, the sadness forgotten completely.
"Grey sky, pink shirt!" She hands me my outfit and fluffs her hair in the mirror.
"This is why you're my favorite!" I run into the bathroom and get dressed.
You probably think I'm a spoiled brat, and I am. You're just jealous, I don't blame you.
I finish my outfit with my usual break-your-ankle heels. I grab a bag and we are off. Vanessa's older brother gives us a ride to school. We pull in with five whole minutes to spare so I fix my hair in his mirror. A crow flys across the grey, sad sky and I feel depressed. Depressed means more lip gloss. You see I have these rules to make me feel better. When something goes wrong, I do something to make myself feel better. I'm like Gandhi or someone in that way, a real saint. The clicking of my super cute heels makes the school seem less sad. My group and I really make the place half decent. English is my first class of my last day. I plop into the seat next to the cutest boy in this room. I don't really know him, but he's cute. Boring English class means cute boys to make it go quicker. He tries to flirt with me but I shut it down, I'm basically a married women you see. My boyfriend and I have been together since last week, it's pretty serious. I take out my phone and go on Instagram. Ha! Some geek started following me. I let my perfectly manicured fingers do the talking. I type away, insulting this nerd and stifling my giggles in my arm as I go. Some goodie goodie in the front row rolls her eyes at me for giggling in class. What a nerd. I'll get her later. Revenge is my rule of thumb. After class I totally tipped her off that my boyfriend liked her, she didn't know we were dating. He'll take care of her for me. I can't count the number of times I've made a nerd cry, but I cry too, we all do. I slam my locker shut and chat with my friends. I see the girl, Mary, I think her name is run into the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. Jason, my boyfriend smirks at me. I feel a sinking sensation in my chest. Sometimes things spin out of control. Everyone in my group chatters away with me, all seeking my attention. My mind just wanders. I don't eat any lunch because I don't want to be fat. I don't tell people this though, I make fun of girls like me. The girls who don't eat. But I do eat, just not lunch. We eat outside, fresh air is good for you. I stare at my long legs in the grass because I know Jason is too and I want to make sure they look good, duh. I pull out my phone and see that my post about the geeky girl who followed me had blown up. I don't feel bad for her. I look up at the sky. I can't wait for summer. A shake of excitement rolls up my body as my mind wanders to pool parties, barbecues, beach days, and all the summer wonders. Little do I know how eventful my summer will be, just not in the good way.

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