Summoning Jutsu!...and Now Naruto's in MY World?!

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Ri (pronounced Ree)


Golden, brown hair that goes down her back, cutting off midway. Hazel eyes. Tends to wear skinny jeans, Converse and a t-shirt.

She likes skate boarding, kick boxing and sport. She's not afraid to give her opinion and can be quite aggressive to people she doesn't like. She's easily angered and isn't always easy to amuse.

All she wants is someone other than her brother Noah to protect her.



Black layered, longish, hair with a droopy fringe with green ends. Hazel eyes. Tends to wear long shorts, a t-shirt and high tops, or black skinny jeans.

Noah sometimes falls into the emo category because of his hair color and what he wears. He is in fact one of the happiest guys. He's very over protective over his little sister Ri. He's a fun guy and laughs a lot. His smile is big and noticable. Doesn't really like any of Ri's friends that are guys, he doesn't think there's anyone good enough for his sister.



I looked into his sea green eyes, and he looked into mine. We were so close that I could feel his breath warm on my skin. I leant forward, tilting my head slightly and he did the same. I closed my eyes and got ready to kiss him. This moment was finally happening! After 3 months, Luke and I were finally about to share our first kiss! The scene was perfect, sitting on the jetti from the sailing centre, looking out onto the sun setting into the sea, birds singing. It was perfect, like in the movies.

See, I'd always kinda liked Luke. He'd smile at me in class, say hi to me if we met during the day and during Mr. Tompson's math class, he'd pass me these little notes, asking me how my day had been. He was just generally a sweet guy. And one day I plucked up the courage to ask him if he wanted to go and see a movie with me and some of my friends, Summer, Emi, Luke and Danny. He'd said yes and he turned up too. But when the movie ended, my mom rang and told me I'd have to walk home since the car had broken down. And just my luck, it began to rain terribly. The others had already left so I couldn't hitch a ride with any of them. But Luke was going to be walking home anyway, and he offered to take me home, since it was on the way. He leant me his jacket to keep me dry and when he dropped me home, he'd asked if I wanted to meet up again, just the two of us this time. My heart did a tripple back-flip.

But that all happened 3 months ago and now, finally, the moment I'd been waiting for, since I first met Luke. I was ready to feel his lips on mine when suddenly, I felt a cold shiver go down my spine. I opened my eyes and watched as Luke disapeared right before my eyes. But I found my lips pressed against a toads! I jumped back, screaming. For in his place was a frog. No just any frog but a giant huge toad thingy! It looked at me, smiling and I freaked out.

'YOU'RE NOT LUKE!' I screamed getting to my feet. I wasn't expecting an answer but when I did, I nearly stumbled back and fell off the jetti.

'Well hi there, I'm Gamatatsu, do you have any candy?' the frog asked. I looked at it in complete shock for about five seconds before I took off home.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me before I saw my house. I rushed into the front porch and began banging on the door.

'Let me in! Luke's gone missing! Call 911!' I yelled. I was shocked to see my brother, Noah, answer the door. He was supposed to be at work now...

'Noah?' I asked.

'Ri, come inside quick!' he yelled, pulling me into the house and slamming the door shut and bolting it up.

'What are you doing home Noah?' I asked, reaching for the phone. Noah's hand grabbed mine and he took the phone out of it.

'No one will answer Ri,' he told me.

'But Luke's gone missing! He disapeared from in front of my eyes and then-!'

' were with Luke?' Noah asked, suddenly curious about my about-to-be-new-boyfriend.

'Yeah, maybe,'

'What were you doing?' he asked, suspiciously.

'Just hnagin' out, skateboarding,' I lied, well it was partly true.

'Luke doesn't skateboard, he likes tennis...' Noah glared at me.

'So what? What does it matter? Why are you home so early?!' I yelled, trying to stray him away from the topic I knew he'd never approve of.

'Oh right, well....MY BOSS TURNED INTO A CREEPY RE-INCARNATED MICHAEL JACKSON!' Noah yelled, panicking. I sweat-dropped.

'What? How is that even possible? He's dead!' I blinked.

'I don't know Ri, but my boss is now Michael Jackson and then guess what!' he started.

'What?' I asked, curious but worried now.

'You know Ian, behind the counter?' Noah asked. I nodded.

'Yeah, nice guy,'

'Yeah well he turned into a gray-haired Harry Potter!'

Noah looked at me.

'Luke turned into a large, slightly obese toad!' I squealed.

'Ri, stay here, I'm gonna try and find someone we know,' Noah said after a few minutes of awkward silence.

'What? But what about me?' I asked, trying to follow him

'No, just wait here, I'll be back in 10 minutes, go upstairs and try and contact someone, anyone!' Noah ordered before slamming the door shut and leaving me, just standing there.

What had just happened?


So what do you guys think? Arigato readers! Stay awesome - Georgie

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