Fallen from Grace

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My bare feet caressed the tiny grains of sand on the beach as I walked, not even touching the churning waves that licked the shore. My flaming red hair whipped around my face in the sea breeze, covering my eyes and obscuring my vision. The smell of the air made me feel alive again, the saltiness reminded me of home. My soft, smooth feet left footprints in the slightly damp sand, making deep imprints where I had stood only a moment before. The golden sun began to set, sending streaks of light in beautiful shades of red and yellow over the world, reflecting over the ocean and making it look like coloured shards of glass. I sat down on the golden sand and heard pieces of shell crunch underneath me. I fiddled with the spiral shell charm that was held on my neck by a piece of woven sea-grass. I felt the smoothness of the shell under my rough fingertips, recreating the feeling of home. I blew softly into the pointed end of the conch, and the waves responded to my command. They rippled and twirled, creating white foam that frothed and bubbled. A single tear fell from the corner of my eye and onto the wet sand. It swirled around in the grains for a moment, then sank into it.

My name is Grace, and I am the disgraced daughter of Poseidon.

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