(6) See You Again [Feat. Jack]

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It's been a long day, without you my friend.

No. No, this couldn't be happening. No, no, no, no, no. They can't be dead.

You stared at the screen, not wanting to believe what was in front of you. You were on Wade's Facebook profile, reading a long message. Well, more like re-reading. It was posted a few weeks ago, signifying the day your life fell apart and proving that the worst had happened.

It all started with a panel, where Mark, Jack, Wade and Bob were having fun and being their usual goofball selves. In the midst of the joy, two shots rang out, hitting Mark and Jack. Right on target.

After a few days, Mark couldn't hang on anymore. He succumbed to his wounds just 72 hours after the shooting, and an hour after posting his last video, apologizing. A week later, Jack followed. His last video, though, was cut out halfway through one if his sentences, so his fans wouldn't have to watch his death.

The entire YouTube community was mourning, though you were sure nobody was as torn apart as you. You stared at Mark's channel sadly as your mother peeked her head in your room.

"(Y/n), you've been in here for days!" She scolded. You hadn't told her about the deaths. "Go outside, take a walk, do something!"

You sighed, pulling the hood of your black hoodie over your head and brushing past her. You didn't bother with your phone as you pulled on your black shoes, determined to display your sorrow. With your mother nagging behind you about your lack of colors, you shoved the front door open and grimaced at the sunlight.

The entire walk was spent with you staring at the sidewalk. You just couldn't quite grasp that they were gone. Your sunshine, your saviors, your two friends, even...gone forever. Your heroes couldn't save you anymore.

Or anybody else.

You knew there were so many people in the community far more unstable than you. You could only imagine how many people would do something terrible without Mark and Jack in your life. Quite honestly, you thought YOU might do something to yourself in the beginning.

You heard shrill screaming and looked up. A woman was pointing at you with a look of horror on her face. Confused, you looked to your side.

It took three seconds. The first, you saw the semi. The second, you heard the horn. The third, it hit you.

You expected instant pain, but all you saw was the world fading into a white landscape. In shock, you stayed on the ground, watching as people crowded around you. Their lips were moving, but you couldn't hear anything they were saying. The buildings around looked faint, like a filter had been put over them. Leaning your head to the side, you were about to close your eyes when two pairs of hands pushed you up to a sitting position.

"Aye, this one's a young one. He was right," An Irish accented voice said with a tint of remorse.

"We better get her home. She needs to recover before we can do anything," A deep, smooth voice responded. Two men came into view, one grinning energetically and the other smiling gently. They pulled you up.

"Mark...Jack..." You breathed, almost in tears. Glancing behind your shoulder, you saw that nobody realized you had gotten up. They were still crowded around your body, screaming at you to wake up. Looking down at your hand, you saw it was semi translucent.

"Hey there, lass! You banged your head pretty good, even for a ghost!" Jack exclaimed.

"A...ghost?" You repeated. "Why is everything so different? Why are you here? Where do I go?"

Mark chuckled. "We'll explain after you've gotten some rest. Ghosts are pure energy, after all." He said. "Everything is different because you're in between the earth plane and the spirit plane. It'll make sense later."

"But for now..." Jack trailed off. Both men extended a hand.

"I...I go with you?" You asked. They nodded. Slowly, variously, you grabbed their hands and stepped through a brick wall with them. You opened your eyes, gasping at the complete scenery change.

"Welcome home," They said.

We've come a long way, from where we began,
Oh, ill tell you all about it when I see you again.

When I see you again.

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