Team Pokè Pals! As of 11/2/2015

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So far in my pokemon mystery dungeon book this is the rescue team!
Poké Pals!
"But Azul! Why has your spot been taken by Piplup?! 0-0 "
Well kind reader Azul has plans on appearing much later in the story c;
So this is the team so far an if you wanna join read my story!

Moves: bubble peck growl
Level: 8
Lil fact: second in command of team Poke pals

Moves: bubble tackle growl
Level: 6
Lil fact: is a human! Leader of team poke pals

Luna Music_Queen_Luna the Ralts
Moves : confusion teleport growl
Level: 13
Lil fact: joined team pokepals because she wanted to help pokemon in need!

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