Sketches that will be finished Digitally

42 11 5

So I've decided that these sketches will be drawn by paper ten digitally like the rough draft and finale copy so that's why my arts looking bit weirdzzzz

Firstly, here's the request _amazing_nonsense requested me :p so yu wasn't too specific on how the moment should be so this happened if you like I can either leave it traditional or go on digital. I'm too lazy to color now that I have digital xD also sorry if it looks weirds just a sketch

I was bored so I thought hey what if I was an electric type gym leader! So I picked some of my fav pokemans  Don't make me cringe at my drawing like bae did cause thas no good ;v; Bae: it looks like electivire eating himself Me: •________• *cant e...

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I was bored so I thought hey what if I was an electric type gym leader! So I picked some of my fav pokemans 
Don't make me cringe at my drawing like bae did cause thas no good ;v;
Bae: it looks like electivire eating himself
Me: •________• *cant even look at it anymore*

I was bored so I thought hey what if I was an electric type gym leader! So I picked some of my fav pokemans  Don't make me cringe at my drawing like bae did cause thas no good ;v; Bae: it looks like electivire eating himself Me: •________• *cant e...

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