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OKAY so i know ive been gone for 2 months and like that's way too long i know I KNOW. HOWEVER i iz back bitches so be ready for like a lot of updates on stupid luke hemmings. Okay honestly i was too mad at him to write about him stupid Arzaylea dhsljfnwliubefj  hes a butthole. P.S. I broke my ankle and i have like 2 weeks off school so be ready whores. Im joking ily guys <33


"Luke i swear to God if you spill that coffee on me I'm going to break your ankle (heh)," I said, pushing his jittery hand away from me. "Why are you so shaky anyways? Are you scared?" I said nudging him a lil just to push his lil buttons aw.

"YEAH IN FACT I AM VERY AFRAID OF AIRPLANES Y/N!" he screams back at me. 

"God will you shut up people think you're insane. Don't you tour and stuff? Like, you have to go on airplanes a lot. Do you always act out like this? I would hate you honestly like." 

"Okay Michael is usually there to comfort me and you're not doing a very good job of it," he replied, his voice shaking. 



"Never mind. Luke, these pilots fly planes all day. They know what they're doing and they've been doing it for so long to the point where it's probably extremely boring," I said, trying to comfort him.


"Yeah cmon. Do you really think they let guys like you fly planes?"

"Well I guess- hey i could fly a plane." 

"No you really couldn't. Did you or did you not just show me how deathly afraid of planes you were?"

"Well that was like five minutes ago. Guess what y/n? I'm gonna fly a plane better than Michael," he said excitedly.

Michael doesn't even fly planes. What is up with him and Michael?

"Have fun."


As we boarded the plane and sat down in our seats, I noticed Luke looking at something on his phone, and writing down things, as if he was taking notes. 

"The hell are you doing? Homework?" i asked, taking his phone.

How to fly an airplane.

"Luke what the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked keeping his phone from him.

"Learning how to fly a plane, what does it look like?" he replied confidently.

"You can't learn how to fly a plane from Wiki-How."

"Well in just 5 easy steps, i already know how to take off and land. The rest is easy," he said, flashing his notebook at me. 

"You're impossible." 

"Well I'm about to be the captain of this plane."

"They're called pilots."

"Oh...... Shut up y/n. I think the waitress person likes me. They'll probably get me into the drivers seat." 

"Waitress person? Drivers seat? You're an awful pilot. Oh and that waitress person, he's a guy," I said smirking.

"Love has no limit." 

"He doesn't like you." 

"Love has no limit."

"Don't talk to me."

"I can't talk while I'm flying anyways." 


Luke pushed the button that calls a stewardess.

He isn't actually..

"Hi uh can you tell me about the pilot?" I hear him ask. 

"Uhhh.. Well he flys the plane," he responds unsure of Lukes awkward question.

"Wow that's so cool! Can I meet him?" Luke asks, utterly fascinated by the stewardess.

"Uh sure."

"Bye y/n," He says as he walks with the guy to the cockpit (haha cock).

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I try to whisper, but it's too late, he's gone.

$$$$$$$Lukes POV$$$$$$$$$$$

"Well this is the cockpit," the waiter tells me.

He obviously likes me what is y/n talking about?

I nod at him in thanks and walk towards the captain or pilot or whatever. I think it's pilot. Wiki-How didn't teach me that.

"Hello sir," I say as the captain/pilot/my new hero turns around in his chair.

"Oh hey kiddo. What's up?" he asks me.

He's so cool i wish he was my dad.

"I just wanted to see the.." I glance at the barely legible sign, labeling wherever i am. "Cokeput?" I say. However it comes out more of a question.

He chuckles, "Cockpit. Here let me show you around." 

As he shows me all of the controls and how to fly the plane, I silently listen and take notes in my little notepad. 

"Wow that's so cool!" I exclaim.

"Wanna see me take this baby off?" he asks me grinning.

"Heck yeah!!"

As he takes off the plane I'm completely fascinated by everything. The world gets smaller and smaller the higher we get. I never look out the window in airplanes since i hate them, but for some reason, being with this guy is making feel better about flying. Once were really high up, he turns on auto-pilot and we talk for a while longer. We exchange twitters and we're now bffls. Too bad he has more followers than me.

"Wow, being a pilot is so cool! Hey what does this button do?"

The plane blowd up.

We ded. 

The end.



long chapter bc i was gone for a decade.

Luke is still dumb tho.

ily babies <33

-A Dog

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