Chapter Three

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[Taken In]

"Help me!!!"

Kiana shouted as panicking. The car they were in earlier bumped into another car with such high speed and exploded. She was too scared to move on her own as she was surrounded with fire.


She whined after looking around. She saw her parents getting burn by the harsh fire while Kisara wasn't seen. Most of the parts in the car had been consumed by fire.

Not too while after doing another shout,a man dashed inside the burning car. Without hesitating, he carried Kiana and ran away from the incident place.

They were now outside. Kiana cried as shutting her eyes tightly,being carried by the man who saved her. A woman awaited for the man to return near their car. After running towards the woman,the man put Kiana down.
The road was empty,only to be seen with a burning cars and one car near the incident place.

The young girl gave in to her knees,still crying.

"Are you okay,little girl?"

The woman spoke as patting Kiana's back.

"How can I be okay?!"


The woman tried to console Kiana while the man called ambulance and police over as watching the horrifying view.

"My...m-my parents and sister were gone...!!!"

Kiana groaned and sobbed sadly,now in the woman's arms.
Not longer after that, a boy around Kiana's age jumped out of their(not the burned cars) car with kind of angered expression.

"Shou! I told you to stay put inside the car!"

The woman spoke as looking at the boy,called Shou.He crossed his arms as staring at the crying Kiana.

Kiana continued to cry,until Shou held out his hands at her.

"Don't cry,you're noisy."

It took a while for Kiana to take his hands.Kiana slowly took his hands and freed herself from the woman's hug. The woman later stood as walk over to the man,discussing about something.

Shou hugged Kiana and pat her back.

"Geez,I don't know you but stop being such a crybaby."

Kiana is still lost for words to say. She can't help but to cry over her parents death...and probably Kisara's death also. She helplessly clung to the older boy as still sobbing.

Not a while after,ambulance came along with police and does their work to put out the fire while the two policemen approaches the woman and the man.

"Ma'am,sir. Are you both witnessed what happened here?" A policeman asked them both.

"No...but we happened to save one of the survivor." The man replied as pointing his index finger to the still crying Kiana.

"Is there anyone beside her in the car?"

"Yes, seemed like her parents was burnt down to ashes..." Looking down,the woman replied in a sad tone.The policeman asked the other policeman to go retrieve Kiana but was stopped by the man.

"S-sir! If it is alright...can we take care of the girl?"

The two policemen exchanged looks and nodded.

"Alright. But after she had calmed down,you need to bring her to the police office for details about this accident."

The couple smiled at each other and nodded at the policemen.

"Tell me your name,and phone number."

"I'm Kaira Youno,and this is my wife,Yume Youno.The number phone is...(inserted number phone)"

"Ah,Dr.Kaira and Mrs Yume. You both are well known.We will contact two hours later."

"Yes,and alright."

Soon after they finished talking,the fire was put out. The polices investigate and took a look around the burned cars while the ambulance went away.

Kaira and Yume went back to their son and Kiana who was still hugging each other.

"My,my. Shou-kun is being a nice 'brother'." Yume chuckled as ruffling her son's hair.

"Huh? I'm not her brother."

"Yes you are. From now on." Kaira smirked at Shou as stating it. Kaira was ruffling Kiana's hair.

"...This crybaby is my new sister? Sheesh."

Shou let go of Kisara and once agaim folding his arms as sighing.

Kiana had a confused look on her face,thus stopped crying but still sobbing.

"New brother...?"

"Yes,honey.Welcome to the Youno Family.What's your name?"


Kiana shyly said between her sobbing.

"Kiana,huh? Not bad.I'm Shou."

Shou held out his hand at Kiana,who then slowly shaking it.

"Alright,how about we head home? Of course,Kiana-chan,you too."

Kiana looked downwards in silence for a while. This whole thing is hard for her to accept,except the disappearance of Kisara. She decided to move on,and accepted the Youno family.

They got into the car together,and Kaira drove away.

The whole place had calmed down... but at a certain bush,it moved and there was a voice to be heard...


To be continued


Okay,here you go. I'm really sorry for updating so late because I thought no one was interested in this
<-> Since this story kind of sucked... but I will try my best.

Oh em gee,idk why but the description was deleted and..ugh. Sorry.
See you in next chapter.

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