"Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, and not a part of your destiny."
That's what they say but if you ask me I'm not really sure if I have really forgotten or have I really moved on..
The sad part there is the fact that you are letting go of someone you can't have...
Letting go of somebody who wasn't even yours in the first place...
Someone who you wished for every 11:11, falling star, wish bone, on falling eyelashes or the one who you put and compute your names to see if you are compatible in FLAMES.
If there was an art of how you learn new things..
I wished there was also an art for letting go. That there was someone who teaches you how to let go of someone so easily that it doesn't even hurt you. So you wouldn't go through all these years going through all the pain of not being the priority, the girlfriend, the friendzoned, left behind or even for the mistresses.
Authors Note:
Hi to you the person who is reading the beginning of my story I'd like to thank you for taking interest on my story and apologize if you might find it cliche or common.
If you find the story interesting I would appreciate it if you would SHARE, VOTE and COMMENT your views about it! Thank you
The Art of Letting Go
Chick-LitIt's for the every person who has a difficult time of letting go.