.Chapter One.

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I woke up in a hospital bed.
Now let me rephrase this, I literally resurrected from the dead into the living again in a hospital bed.

She's awake.

Does she look like she knows?

I can't tell her if she doesn't.

Get her some water!


"Audrey?" I finally recognize who is actually speaking. My mom. Normally I would be thrilled to hear her since she lives all the way in London, but this doesn't seem like a good reason for her to be here.

Like the whole fact that I can only remember planning to go to a party with Krissy and Jarred. And how excited we were because she wanted me to meet a guy that Jarred had told her about for me. That kind of bad. I don't remember getting injured.

"Audrey?" My mom asks more stern.

"What's going on?" My voice cracks and my throat hurts from even saying those three words, it's like I haven't said a word in a month.

Turns out I hadn't.

Doctor: you have been in a terrible accident....three have died....a kid ran in front of you....kid was dead at arrival....Krissy and Jarred are dead....you're lucky.....were in a coma for a month.....gonna be just fine.....a young man named Brendan saved your life....you can return home in two days.


My dad and mom argue while I'm 'asleep'. It's just like in the old days.

"Who's going to keep her?" Mom asks Dad.

"Obviously me," he replies with more than likely a complimentary eye roll.

"Why?" She asks clearly annoyed.

"School, friends are here, she needs to be in a familiar environment!" Dad's voice rises.

"Her only friends are dead, Grant! They're dead!"

"They weren't her only friends Sarah! Stop acting like you know her. You left, I stayed. Don't try to play the innocent victim, the only victim here is our daughter. She needs to heal not be sent to a foreign country!" His voice cracks.

My dad understands a lot, sometimes I think I love him more than Mom but then I remember all the good times we all used to have and I know my love for them will always be equal. Even if she left and he stayed.

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