New Beginnings

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{Chapter VIIII: New Beginnings, 12:08pm Friday October 9th }

After speaking with money we actually became really close over the past few weeks. He convinced me to work for him. Money is an an undercover Drug lord but he covers with his business, which is his record label. When he first told me I thought it was dope. But he told me that I would have to relocate to where he lives, in Atlanta. At this point I don't know why I wouldn't go. I mean I just found out Amiyah wasn't Mine. Shit, and Melvin's dead. My momma don't want me so fuck it I'm relocating. I told my homeboys I'll be back eventually they understood.

I was just making my way to the air port. as soon as I walked in I sat down in the chair and collected my thoughts and made a plan for my next move when I make it to ATL.

Money told me I can stay with his mom until I get on his feet, supposably she lives by her self and needs some help around the house since her husband past a few years ago. Im coo with it, hey new beginnings right. Then later I'll Be employed at Def jam records. To me this is just what I need. For some reason I feel like this is a come up.

I aboarded the plane and put my luggage away and took a seat as I flew to Atlanta.

When I landed moneys driver was there waiting for me I smiled as I inhaled the new atmosphere around me. I could get used to this I thought to myself as I put all my stuff in the trunk and got in the backseat and dialed Moneys number.




"Wassup bruh, you made it?" Money asked from the other end of the line.

"Yeah its Nice here where you at tho?" I asked.

"Just ended my meeting after you get ready and stuff meet me at Def Jam," he told me. I smiled at the idea I would be working at a record label.

After the phone call, I was soon greeted by a big white house. The type family home you see in the movies it was waaay better than anything I was used to. The driver helped me get the bags to he porch. I reached in my pocket to grab my wallet and pulled out a 20 as a tip. He smiled and told me to enjoy my stay.

I inhaled deep before I began to knock. Hopefully I won't be a bother to his mom, as soon as I get on my feet out here I'll be outta here. I don't want to be anybody's burden.

A short older black lady answered the door and smiled ear to ear. "You must be August?"

I nodded and smiled big as she embraced me in a hug. I hugged her back tossing my arms around her gently.

" I have heard so much about you, come on in and get situated." She said to me as she let go of me and went for my biggest bag, and started rolling in to the house.

I chuckled a little at how she left me with the smallest two duffle bags. I followed her in to the home, it smelled like fresh cinnamon rolls were still in the oven baking. I licked my lips as I imagined devouring one. "Your home is lovely Mrs. ?" I started unsure of what her name was.

"Just call me Mama or Mama Cassidy " she looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back as my stomach growled.
She gasped, "Boy why didn't you tell me you were hungry, breakfast is on the counter hold on I'll fix you a plate" she dropped the bag off in front of a room. "Go head unpack I'll let you know when I'm done okay baby."

I chuckled, "okay thanks Mama Cassidy." I opened the door and examined the spacious room. I didn't need to turn on the light because the sun had filled the room with warmth and brightness as it beamed through the big glass window. I sat the duffle bags on the bed and peaked out the window. I saw a little girl playing. She was about 3 or 4 and she was playing with a older guy around the age of hmmm I don't know early 20s? I walked over to my dressers and began unpacking. All my clothes were neatly folded already so I just put them in the drawers and set a picture of me a Melvin on the other dresser with a mirror attached to it. I didn't want to unpack everything because I didn't know who this nigga was that was in Mama Cassidy's backyard so I just left my important stuff inside the duffle bag. I walked around the house looking for the kitchen but I couldn't find it so I shouted mama Cassidy's name aloud and she shouted back saying she was in here. I followed her voice and made my way in to the kitchen.

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