I've always been alone, for as long as I can remember I haven't know anyone. So I can't say that I miss anyone but I guess I miss the idea of having a friend or even an enemy just something tangiable in this empty space that I call home. So I guess I got what I was looking for.
Today I found the book, after 17 years there was finally something new, something out of the ordinary then again this thing that I call a life probably classes as strange to anyone or thing.
Well it was just like any other day wake up on the same bed that had always been there, in the clothes that I never remember buying or being given. Like everything in this 'world' it just happened. Having a shower in a bathroom that had always been there but never really changed, other than the fact that nothing was ever empty, I could use the shampoo as much as I wanted it was never empty, in fact nothing was ever empty be it the kitchen, the bathroom or my wardrobe.
I got changed and entered the kitchen it's as large as any other room with space for a thousand people or so it seems, set back into hard rock the counters and various different machines (most of which I don't know how to use) look like they emerged from the rock face, as though they were carved into the polished black marble. I open the cuboards, filled as usual to the brim with foods of all kinds, pull out a box a cereal and take the milk from the fridge, before sitting down at the counter to eat.
Every night before I go to sleep I pray that the next time that I wake up there will be a window just something to give me an insight in to the outside world, just to let me know what I'm missing at least.
So after finishing a depressing breakfast I decide to go back to my bedroom to read the only book that I have ' The Solar System' I don't know what They gave me it but it's beautiful and I've spent hours just staring at the pictures. But then I saw something, something different. I didn't believe it at first, thought I was dreaming or hallucinating, but then I realised, no its real! It's actually there!
A door! And when I opened it a hallway! There might be a way out of here!
I walked down it and soon the smooth marble walls of my home gave way to rough hewn rock, sharp points that pricked and stabbed my skin causing a droplet of crimson to burst free from the confines of my body, only to flow down my arm creating an intricate, morbid pattern on my flesh. Soon darkness took over bringing with it an erie fog that settled over me with something close to fear as I realised that anything could be lying in wait for me and I wouldn't know until I got close enough to feel it's hot, rapid breath against my ear. Well that thought sure wasn't going to be useful. But despite the imaginary monsters lurking in the darkest corners of my mind, I decided to carry on, battling the thoughts in my head that wanted to turn me around and send me back.
After about 15 minutes it started to get lighter again casting a grey shadow over the landscape, somehow making it more unsettling, until eventually I came to a room bathed in the same shade of grey. The small white cube was the same colour as the milky way, making it seem as though the whole space had the galaxy compressed within it with all the stars extracted.
There was only one thing in the room, lodged in a corner. A book. I picked it up and upon closer examination it was a leather bound journal with half the pages filled in. I took it back with me and that's what I'm writing in now.
The Void
RandomI am alone. From as far back as I can remember I've always been alone. There has never been anyone with me, no company, no one to talk to. To be honest, I don't know if there is anyone or anything else left, so I thought I'd write this, to keep myse...