The Princess Wannabe: A New Friend

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Hello my lovelys!!! Well I am back from Canberra and I saw the Mary Poppins musical todayy!! It was AMAZING!!! You guys will love it!!! So I'm getting my friend Sian, to make all the covers (CAUSE SHE'S AWESOME AT IT!) And they're going to look really cool anyways 14 chapters and the epilouge till the book finshes :( Oh well... I need your votes!!!! VOTE DO IT NOW!!! LoL Ily ♥ Ok yeh I'm sick so I'm going to bed, Night.


Chapter Sixteen

~A New Friend~

"Evaina, get up!" Lizzy yelled, shattering my dreams.

I didn't budge and soon fell back asleep, "Evaina what are you doing here?" Natalie's voice this time awoke me from my beautiful dreams.

"It's my room dumb-brain." I mumbled sleepily.

"Since when is the kitchen your bedroom?" Natalie asked and I could tell she raised an eyebrow.

I shot up and glanced around, there were people everywhere giving me weird glances, and Jessica was biting her lip, trying not to laugh. "Just laugh Jess."

Jess roared into laughter, collapsing to the floor and hitting the ground.

"I...think...she...wanted...a...midnight...snack." Jessica spoke between laughter.

I rolled my eyes. That's when I saw Lizzy passing by the hallway laughing her head off.

"ELIZABETH REID!" I yelled in my deathly voice, and Lizzy came in smirking.

"Yes?" she asked in a bored tone.

"Would you mind explaining why I'm in the kitchen?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"How am I meant to know, I'm not the one standing in my night gown in front of everyone." She stated which only made Jessica bang on the floor louder.

"But you are the one that dragged me!"

"And I am the one to walk away!" I ran after her as she sped down the hall, I finally caught her and c

"Now sit there, while I go to my room to get dressed, we're meeting up with Lady Lateesha and her slave, William." Lizzy groaned as I dashed into my room, and quickly changed into a sky blue dress and matching shoes, while Lizzy shouted excuses.

"He won't like me!"

"I'm to anti-social!"

"I'm a loner!"

"I'll embarrass you."

"I'm too immature."

Fifty two complaints later...

I knocked on the door and it swung open revealing a very tall and well built man, he had curly red hair and freckles spread all over his face. He had the cute feeling but the look on his face was exactly the same as Lizzy's, expressionless.

He let us in and we saw Lateesha gesturing us to sit next to her. I grabbed Lizzy and strode over to her and sat down. "Lizzy this is Will, Lizzy, Will." Lateesha gestured to the ranger than to Lizzy.

So this was Will...

I watched as Lizzy went up to Will showing no emotion, the same as Will. "What are you staring at?" Lizzy asked.

"Your breasts, what else does a man look at?" Will asked in disbelief.

"Their penis." Lizzy stated simply and I cracked up laughing.

Will rolled his eyes, "Duh how else do you think it get bigger."

Lizzy sighed dramatically, "Fertilizer?"sitting on the lounge gesturing us over,

The Princess Wannabe- Wisdom {Bk 1} (Editing Process)Where stories live. Discover now