The Princess Wannabe: Sunshine

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ITS A MIRACLE! I UPLOADED! Now I know I haven't uploaded since forever, and I'm so sorry, I've been really busy, and Jess has been nagging me to upload. But I have an excuse! I have had tones of assignmets, AND I have had massive writers block which explains why this chapters so short. :D Enjoy,


Chapter Twenty Four


The delicious taste of the freshly picked apple I held in my hand awakened my taste bugs. The beautiful juices were so sweet and thrilling. I giggled as I munched on it; the crunching noise was probably my favourite bit of eating this beautiful pink apple.

I continued to much and crunch giggling at the noise, I must look like a maniac. I shrugged, oh well. The sun was soaking up into my skin and I couldn’t help feeling a bit sexy. I don’t usually have skin showing, so it felt nice, and if by any chance you think I would strip down naked just to feel sexy the answer to that is no.

I bit into my apple again, still enjoying the gorgeous taste before chucking the core on the grass. I smiled satisfied.

Natalie started pulling on Diego’s hand, dragging him over to where I was sitting. I smiled up at them; Diego sat next to me and pulled Natalie on to his lap.

“Hey, Evan.” Natalie greeted me smiling.

I smiled at her before looking away, yeah I realised how jealous I was. I gave her a soft smile before, brushing my hair behind my ear and studying the fairy-floss like clouds…

Someone laughed behind me and I smiled slightly thinking of first love, I remember my first love…

I closed my eyes briefly and focused on the picnic. Yes, this was the traditional picnic for the ladies, and royals.

Every lady in the kingdom, and every single royal are invited, and it’s one of the biggest events. I sighed trying to remember all the traditions. There is one we’re it’s a tradition for every lady to invite a date to the picnic. Let’s just pretend I didn’t know. There was another one we’re everything was run in the exact time.

They arrived, had the morning speeches, eat, play the traditional games, like flying disk, tip, and hide ‘n’ find.

I sighed relaxing a bit. I needed to sort out my life, because it’s obvious it’s a mess. I pressed my lips together letting the bitter taste of loneliness for fill me.

I felt someone sitting next to me but I didn’t look up, I honestly couldn’t care less. I thought hard about my relationship with Derrick. It would work out in-

“So… what’s up?” I groaned in annoyance as I my head shot up to the person beside me, Lizzy…

Her hands were rested on her knees and she was swinging from side to side and I quote: ‘I can’t ever sit nor can I stand still. I must be moving at all times.’

I laughed a bit at the memory. “Will, kissed me.” She blurted.

My mouth swung open. I didn’t know what to say. Elizabeth Reid the most annoying emotionless friend I had was kissed by someone who was just as annoying and just as unemotional.

She blushed a bit and my mouth went wider. ELIZABETH REID JUST BLUSHED! I MEAN SHE BLUSHED LIKE FULL ON BLUSHED! The thing that was haunting me most was the fact that she was actually telling me instead of Jessica.

“I’m so happy for you!” I squealed, and hugging her tight.

“And this is why I don’t tell you things…” Lizzy choked out.

I quickly let go and blushed in embarrassment, and Lizzy laughed. “Thanks so much I really appreciate it. So why didn’t you tell Jess?”

Lizzy rolled her eyes before mumbling, “Always straight to the point.” Which I scoffed at, “Well, Jess is dealing with her own issues.”

“What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Jessica has other problems. I define problems as-“

I gave her a funny look, “You know what I mean.”

“I don’t know, do I?” I shot her daggers before she sighed.

“Ariel’s…” she trailed off and my heart sunk, “She-she’s really sick.” Lizzy gulped, “They don’t think she has long left.”

My eyes widened, tears sting them. This couldn’t be possible. Lizzy nodded at me before swinging away, you could tell she’s upset.

I breathed in and out over and over again. Natalie was all over Diego and I felt envy.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned slightly only for the previous sadness to wash out of me as I hugged Derrick and tackled him to the ground, he chuckled slightly and I smiled. He was too cute.

I pulled away realizing what we must look like and blushed he sighed grabbing my hand and helping me up. I swallowed a bit nervous. We were in public after all. Derrick grabbed a flying disc and moved to a clear area, “Let’s play!”

I gigged a bit and nodded.

I watched a Derrick’s well-toned hand bent back and released the flying disc in the air. I ran after it as it soars through the sky looking so perfect. Running in a dress wasn’t as hard as it looks; I jumped up and gracefully snatched it, and winked at Derrick who smiled at me.

I let my hand lean, and then let it rush forward releasing the disc at the right time. I gazed over at Derrick who ran so solemnly, and powerfully, you would think he’s a god. I mentally hit myself for such cheesy thoughts and watched as he caught it.

“No one’s winning…” he pouted after my sixth throw.

“Fine, go harder on me then!” I yelled, and he gave me a stubborn look.

“But you’re too pretty…” he complained, and my heart fluttered a bit.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and threw the flying disc, “Deal with it!”


Derrick threw the flying disc for the one hundredth time and I reached out to catch it before I was tackled to the ground, he chuckled a bit and I blushed.

He stood up and helped me up and my blushed deepen. He took my hand and we began walking, “Listen, Evain.” He began, “I’ve been thinking and- would you like to be my girlfriend?”


I glanced around the room nervously. I let my feet gently brush agaisnt the carpet and banged the draws, I smiled, slightly as I found it.

The fourth clue...

The Princess Wannabe- Wisdom {Bk 1} (Editing Process)Where stories live. Discover now