Chapter 1: Why you?

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Are you the type of girl that all guys seem to be drooling over and most girls seem to be envying every aspect of your being? Or are you the girl that is kept to themselves and doesn't care about anything or anyone? Because I'm not either of those people. I am not the drop dead gorgeous broad that thinks everyone is kissing the ground she walks on or thinks that every guy would love the honor to get in her pants. Nor am I the girl that doesn't seem to care about what is going on, much less anything to do with the bodatious broad. But secretly would give anything for the attention that she gets. Even for as little time as an hour.

I am the girl in the background. i have my group of friends, about 5 in our little group not including me. The five of us have been together through thick and thin since 3rd grade. Our group including 3 girls, Emma, Annie, and Genevive, but we call her Evie. And 2 guys, Josh, and Garrett. We have made memories to last a lifetime. I dont know where I would be without them. They have been my caregivers, therapists, and even my chefs at other times.

I have a mom, Annabelle, that is a nurse and a dad, John, that works day and night as a worker at Academy, but is going back to become a criminal justice major. They are both happily married and have had 4 kids together. I have a little sister named Caroline, that is 4 and 2 older twin brothers named Luke and Jeremiah. All of them Blue eyes, brown hair. My sisters hair is always in perfect curls, while my brothers long hair are always perfectly messy.

And then, there is me. My name is Sage. My eyes are an odd blue green mixture, while my hair is dark brown and curly but not soft cute curls, no. I have a bush on my head every morning. Something that i really do envy my siblings for. They can wake up and not even look like they were sleeping, but they look like they just walked out of some luxury spa, while i look like i have taken every drug known to man. in the morning i am the covergirl for drug with drawl.

So as you can probably tell I'm not the most popular girl nor the hottest girl in school. I focus on my grades more than next weeks party , yes. but, I'm not someone who keeps to themselves and studies on their spare time. I have friends and I hangout with them and I also know how to have fun. which is why I was almost shocked when the most popular guy in school, Xaviar Smith, asked me if I wanted a ride home. Yes, he was very pleasing to look at. But, i don't really understand how girls could swoon over a guy that had such a huge ego. Even if he was drop dead gorgeous the way he dressed, talked, and presented himself just screamed "jerk". But, in a twisted way. I found this boy with tousled blonde hair and beating green eyes, very attractive.


"come on. Just to your house. Thats it."

Why? Is this some kind of joke? Attractive people like him. Don't talk to girls like me. If you are not a cheerleader or someone with a big butt and huge tits, things I do not have, he won't share you a sideways glance.

Just to play it safe I replied with a simple, "No. I am alright with walking. " He continued to drive slowly along side of me while pestering me to let him take me home. Finally after many attempts to get me inside of his car, and many rejections from me. He drove off.

This then continued for a few more days. He would try to talk to me while switching from class to class. Or even ask me if I needed a ride. Which I always said no to.

But, not today. Today I don't even think he was in school. I didn't hear my cheerleader locker neighbor talk to her friends about how he just so happened to glanced at her. And actually, without him being at school, I felt off.

I began to walk home and I decided to take the long way home. It was a beautiful day and it was something i did whenever I wanted to just to clear my mind of stress from the multiple assignments my teachers love to throw at us all at once.

I was lost in thought when suddenly I was tackled to the ground, and picked up. I was being taken somewhere and I didn't know where. I kicked and punched and screamed. I clawed and bulged. I did everything that I could. But, it just wasn't enough. I was thrown into the back of a car. I continued to scream in the back of the car.

"Shut up! You brought this upon yourself." I knew that voice. But with everything that happened I couldn't think straight. Who was it? "We could have done this the easy way but you chose the hard way. So you get what you choose." The familiar voice said. He finally turned his head. Oh God. Why him?! Why him?! "What sweetheart? You think that popular boys can't do bad things?"

Xaviar. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. And everything went black.

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