The lotion fic 2

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Dan and Phil were very ashy.
Dan scratched his knee and it turned into ashes.
"Fil?" Dan poked
"Yes sweet?" Fil winced
"Where is your new lotion?" He asked in a sexual whisper.
They looked at each other violently ripping their ashy skin off their elbows, whilst Fil pointed to his bag.
Dan reached for the bag with his twenty foot long arm and fil leaned in for a kiss.
The They made contact and their lively features turned to dust.
Dan used his fourty inch fingers to pull out the lotion and he lathered it into his fingers lovingly then smeared
It in fil's eyes while they were open. Tears fell and fil's face was normal again.
Fil projectile squirted the pumpkin spice lotion in danyul's mouth and he cried serious tears as the life came back to his youthful figure.
Danyul pulled up his shirt and squirted a smiley face.
Fil rubbed it in and his hands came back to life. They became actual mini octopi slapping against sister danyul's raw skin and nipples.
Phil felt a warm sensation in his pants... He had peed.
Dan slithered his fingers all over his arms and began to caress fil's octopi.
Fil's octopi cried.
They started to get thirsty so danyul went up and got some milk. The milk spoiled but that didn't spoil their spirits. They poured the sour lumps into wine glasses and they clinked the glasses together, and drank.

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