dan, do you want to go to the park
we are going to the park
dan shoved himslef into the smoal kia soel and cried because the commercial reminded him of his depressed hammey
phil comrofetwd him
the they got to the park and sat under a tee with large shades
the leaves fell and sucked the table like leaches
lets lit here fil suggested
ok bab we know what toe do
dan got out the free sandwices proveided by the park in a cooler that looked to be sitting there for about a week
the sandwicches were molde
phil spotted a few worms under the table so he picked them al up and put them on the table
the rest left but there were two left that just sat there sucking faced
dan thought it would be a good idea to make them a house with the stale and moldy bread
first he made the foundation, then the rest.
phil decorated the rest. t
the worms began to fight like giraffes
violently swinging their bodies twoards eafother it was treifierng
dan made a boxing wring
the fighting worms took a break to scrunch toward the wring.
theyre so smaret
then the worms started to dance, almost as if they were about to bond
it was crazuy
then it happedned
they turentd into a GIANT worm
tahts abig woerm
the worm danced and talked aind was a super wow worm
he fouelded himself by eating the leftover bread and turened into a worm as tall amd as big as dammey
we should take kare of it
then they took it home and treaded it wot hare and the worn gad charidcehrteristickds
of a dog
it was cereszy
phiel was just like a mom
dan was a dod
omey go0d
a ll of the dogs weere gealous
they had a reasl relastonshilp
omeahftgaiuhlksjdsafcvizkzjm dfdsa
did you like that story, i syre dud