Chapter 9 To be panicked or happy?

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The next day, the three girls and elites are in the elites dance practice room,

“I’ve been thinking what you should perform in dance song the whole night and-” Yuri said but cut off by Yoona.

“What a lie?” Yoona said and all the other girls laugh.

“Jinja! I’ve thinking all night long!” Yuri shout back to Yoona.

“Like I would believe. Unnie’s eyes are show that you’re fully asleep last night.” Yoona fight back.

“Stop fighting or I’ll leave.” Taeyeon said and the two girls stop fighting. “So, what do you want to say Yuri? Just tell us the point I don’t care if you fully asleep or not.”

“Wow, what kind of cousins you are? Don’t care about me? Anyway, I think if Jessica can dance together with Tiffany and Seohyun or some of your friends it’ll be better.” Yuri said.

“Yes, that’ll make you perform better, because CL would not be performs alone. Her friends will be performs together too. So you should dance together with others.” Yoona said.

“So what do you think?” Taeyeon asked.

“If you guys think I should perform with groups, I will. So, will only three of us or do I need some more?” Jessica said.

“I think the more people include, the better the show will be. Do you have someone in your mind?” Yuri said.

“Well, there are three more friends of us. I’m sure they can dance well too. So do I need to call them now?” Jessica said.

“Okay, the faster the better.” Yoona said.

“Okay, I’ll go and take them here.” Jessica said and left the room.

A while later Jessica comes back with three more girls. The elites surprised when they saw three familiar girls.

“Is the three girls you mean are them?” Yuri asked in surprised.

“Yes, is there a problem?” Jessica said.

“No no no, it’s okay.”

“Are you guys gonna join too?” Hyoyeon asked and Yoona is going to said but cuts off by Taeyeon.

“No, we’re not. If we include, the competition will be easily win.”

“No wonder you’re still arrogant and so full of yourself.” Sooyoung mumble but loud enough for all the girls in the room to hear.

“I’m not so full of myself, I just state the truth.”

“Do you think all the students in the school like you? Well, CL and her gang is not include, they hate you three and think of you three as their rivals.”

“So, why did they make a bet with Jessica to leave the school and not contact with Elites if she loose?” Yuri said.

“Isn’t it obvious? Taeyeon didn’t attend classes regularly and sometimes she hangs out with Jessica. That’s the point they think Taeyeon is going to be out from the Elies if she still act like this. And they want to beat Taeyeon before she’s out from Elites.” Hyoyeon explained.

“That’s weird thought.” Yoona said.

“That’s what they think.” Hyoyeon said.

“So, how did you know what they think?” Yoona asked.

“Well, I heard them talking in toilet. They’re talking because they think no one in there but I was.” Hyoyeon said and Yoona just nod.

“Stop with the talking. We’re just wasting the time. So, what are you guys gonna do? Perform with them or not?” Taeyeon asked.

“We will, not for you but for Jessica, Tiffany and Seohyun. They’re our friends and we don’t want to lose them because of you.” Sooyoung said.

“What’s the problem between them?” Tiffany mumbles by herself.

“How about you guys sing T-ara’s Lovely Dovey or Cry Cry? We can teach you that, and it’ll only need 6 people.” Yuri suggest.

“But I think Lovey Dovey will be difficult for them to learn because it contains shuffle dance. It’ll take time to practice but you guys decide.” Taeyeon said.

“Okay, we’ll decide first.” Hyoyeon said and then the six girls sit in circle and decide which song they should choose.

“Hey you three, you guys aren’t going to perform this year?” Sooyoung asked.

“What performance?” Yuri and Yoona said in the same time.

“Are you guys forgetting? You three always perform in school festival day right? And that day is the day the competition held. So aren’t you three going to perform?” Sooyoung said.

“What? We completely forgot!” Yoona said in panicked.

“Don’t worry Yoona-ah, we still have time.” Yuri relaxed Yoona.

“We’re going to perform but don’t worry we’re still going to help you guys.” Taeyeon said and giving a reassuring smile to Jessica.

“So which song you guys decide to perform?” Yuri asked.

“Well, I think Cry Cry would be better because it’ll be take time to learn shuffle dance.” Jessica said.

“Okay, let’s the practice starts!” Taeyeon said.

They practice two days in their free time and even at night. Everyone is working hard to help Jessica win the competition. And Jessica practices her solo alone with Taeyeon when the others are taking break time.

Jessica leaves the practice room for a while and she’s walking in the corridor alone and someone approach her.

“You remember the competition is tomorrow, right?”

“Yes, so what?” Jessica said back coldly.

“And I heard you’re going to perform the competition with groups and solo. Is it right?”

“Yes, so what’s your problem, CL?”

“Well, I wanted to let you know if you really want to perform with groups for dance, you have to perform with groups for singing too.”

“What? You never said this before you said I can perform as I would like to.” Jessica said in disbelieve.

“I said you like that already so if you perform with group for dance performance and singing for solo you’ll lose. I’ll perform both dancing and singing with groups so I’ll be the one winning. So prepare well for tomorrow competition.” CL said and left Jessica alone in dumbfounded.

Then Jessica realized what CL said so she rushed to the practice room.

“Guys, I got the bad news!” Jessica announced and the other girls look at her. “CL said if I want to perform with groups in dancing I have to perform with group in singing too. If not I’ll lose. So what are we gonna do?” Jessica said in panicked.

Everyone in the room panicked too and didn’t know what to say. There is a silent in the room for a while and Taeyeon starts talking to break the silent.

“You guys have to practice a song for singing, too. It’ll be a better way to practice. So what do you guys think?” Taeyeon said.

“Okay I agree.” Sunny said and the other 4 girls agree too.

“What song do you guys think you can sing?” Taeyeon asked again.

“I don’t know exactly.” Tiffany said and the other girls nod their head.

“What about ‘xx xxxx xx xxxx’? You guys are going to sing T-ara’s song anyway so what about it?” Taeyeon suggests.

“That’s great!” Sunny said. “What about you guys?”

“Okay.” The others said.

“So let’s start practicing now.” Taeyeon said and they start to practice singing with the help of Elites mainly Taeyeon.

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