I love her

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Now Taeyeon is waiting in front of the emergency room waiting for the doctor who is checking Jessica. The doctor comes out and Taeyeon rushes to the doctor.

“Doctor, how’s Jessica? What happened to her?” Taeyeon asked worriedly.

“Her asthma just attacks her and she’s okay now. But she need to rest a few days.”

“Doctor, can I go and see her now?”

“Of course.”

Taeyeon goes inside Jessica’s room and sits on the chair which is beside Jessica’s hospital bed.

(Why are you staying outside and why didn’t anyone let you in?) (Taeyeon)

Taeyeon waits beside Jessica the whole night and she falls asleep while her hand grabbing Jessica’s hand.

The next morning,

Jessica is now awake and she’s playing with Taeyeon’s hair. Taeyeon slowly awake and she realizes that someone is playing with her hair and she looks up and sees Jessica is now awake.

“Oh… you’re awake now.” Taeyeon said.

Jessica takes off her oxygen max. “Yes, how did I get here?”

“Hmmm… I saw you collapsed on the floor.” Taeyeon said.

“Ahh… but it happened a few hours later you left. How did you know I collapsed?” Jessica asked surprised.

“Well… … …” Taeyeon doesn’t know what to say. “I think you should tell your parents or Tiffany or Seohyun about this. Are you going to make a call or do you want me to?”

“It’s okay, I’ll make a call.” Jessica said. “Taengoo.”

“Taengoo?” Taeyeon said.

“Yes, that’s my nickname for you. When can I get out from the hospital?”

“I don’t know. The doctor said you need to rest for a few days. You make your phone call and I’ll go and ask the doctor about it.”

“Okay.” Jessica siad.

(Are you waiting in front of my house the whole time I’m outside Taengoo? You don’t know how happy I am when I see you as soon as I woke up. I really wanted to tell you I love you but I’m afraid you’ll reject my confession and it’ll also break our friendship.) (Jessica)

Jessica makes a phone call to Tiffany while Taeyeon is meeting the doctor.

“Did you make a phone call?” Taeyeon asked while walking towards Jessica.

“Yes, what did the doctor says?” Jessica asked.

“Well, he said you have to stay in the hospital today?” Taeyeon said and sits beside Jessica. “Hey, you’ve never told me you had asthma.”

“You never asked me.”

“That’s right.” Taeyeon said. “How did you get your asthma? If you don’t want to tell me, it’s okay.”

“I don’t know. I really don’t remember about my childhood so I don’t know when my asthma was started.”

There is an awkward silent.

“Jessi!” Tiffany screams and rushes towards Jessica and hugs her.

Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun come inside the hospital room. Seohyun too rushes towards Jessica and joins the hug.

“How did you four coming here together?” Taeyeon asked.

“Why are you here? Did Jessica call you too?” Yuri asked back.

“You guys are here so I’m going home now.” Taeyeon said and takes her things.

“Taengoo, are you leaving?” Jessica asked.

“Yes. Your friends are here now so I can leave.” Taeyeon said.

Jessica waves at her and Taeyeon waves back with a smile which makes Yuri and Yoona surprised.

“Yoona, can you take Seohyun and Tiffany out for a while. I want to have a chat with Jessica.” Yuri whispers to Yoona and Yoona just nods.

“Hey Seohyun, Fany-unnie, let’s go eat something outside. I’m hungry.” Yoona said.

“But we have to stay with Jessica-unnie.” Seohyun said.

“It’s okay, Yuri-unnie said she’ll stay with Jessica-unnie. Come on let’s go. You too Fany-unnie.” Yoona said and drags Seohyun and Tiffany out from Jessica’s hospital room.

“You don’t have to stay with me. You can join them, Yuri.” Jessica said.

“I told Yoona to take Fany and Seohyun out because I want to talk to you.” Yuri said and sits on the chair beside Jessica’s bed.

“What is it?” Jessica asked.

“Don’t worry I just wanted to know something. Do you like Taeyeon?” Yuri asked.

“I don’t like her…” Jessica said.






“I love her.”

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