years before

62 13 1

Over the course of four tours, four albums and a last one coming out its hard not to become close to somebody. It was not his choice that he moulded himself into Harry. He became his confidante, his best friend, the other puzzle piece and second musketeer (because Niall figures if two work twice as well, who cares about the third). Most people now know them as HarryandNiall and NiallandHarry and they don't spend nary a week without each other anymore, and things are just fine. Fine though, isn't great because, well, it just isn't. Because Harry as a best friend is 99% of everything Niall wants in the world, but vice versa always looks like it's already 100% of what Harry wants, so Niall keeps his feelings quiet.

Sometimes he'll let a hand stray, a gaze linger for longer than it should, a word too affectionate. And there's a small rise in his chest, some forlorn hope that maybe this time. But he's always greeted by nervous laughter or an awkward shift in position and sometimes just silence that sends him plummeting, down, down, down, to lock up that shred of hope again before he does something he regrets. So he's fine, but he definitely could be better. And screams can't stay silent for too long so he's agonizing, bursting at the seams with words left unspoken and feelings left unrequited for Harry, his best friend with the missing pieces and vivid green eyes. Because Harry Styles is someone who turns if into when, and Niall is a never.

someone please give me a plot line. i was referring to my life, but one for the story would be ace too.

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