Chapter 15: Last Day

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Your finger tips, so touchable; and you’re eyes, irresistible.


Chapter 15: Last Day



            Its been about twenty-five hours since I’ve been out of the hospital and it felt so nice when I got fresh air. It felt like I’ve never been outside, and it actually felt like that; that’s what happens when you’re in the hospital for such a long time.

            “Mom, it’s the last day of school for me, it’s not like I’m leaving to go to military,” I told my mom.

            She stopped the car in front of the school entrance. Today was it, then it’s online schooling for two months!

            “I know, I know. I’m just worried that you’ll pop today,” she shrugged, smiling at me.

            “Gee mom, somebody’s excited!” I smiled back.

            “Whatever; now go! Don’t want you to be late on the last day of school.” She pushed me out of the car.

            I made myself look presentable then entered the school. Of course, everybody was looking at me like I was a newbie. The whole school knew today was the last day of school for me and Ashtin. Ha, was Ashtin happy today was the last of all the high-school drama.

            “Hey, Ash.” “Hope you’ll come back next year!” “Everybody is going to miss you, girl” “Text me if you need anything! I live two blocks away from you!” was all I heard as I walked to my first period; I felt pretty famous, if you ask me.

            As usual, I’m always one of the first people to be in Mr. Blank’s class. Maybe it was because I just loved US History. I find it so fascinating for some reason. Other people are like “Ugh, I hate History!” “History is boring!” “Why do we need to learn History?!” “Last time I checked, I don’t need to learn History to be a drug dealer.” While I’m paying full attention.

            “Angelica Dant and Natasha Rose please report to the principal’s office! Ms. Dant and Ms. Rose!” Mrs. Even said through the intercom.

            I sighed, gathering my things and stood up.

            “Done worry, Natasha; we’re only learning how Hitler used propaganda against the Germans,” Mr. Blank smiled at me.

            I nodded and walked like a penguin to the front office. I smiled at everybody who was in the front office, and they all smiled back at me.

            “Ms. Brytus Rose, Mr. Erbach is ready to see you,” Mrs. Evan smiled at me; she was the only teacher/staff member who called me by Brytus when it was a conversation between me and her.

            “Thank,” I replied, walked to the office.

            Once I entered the office, Mr. Erbach and Angelica were sitting, and staring at each other in silence.

            “Okay, now can you explain?” Angelica threw her hands up in the air.

            I sat down, and put both of my hands over my seven month old stomach.

            “Yes; I know that the both of you somehow know Mr. Austin Carter Mahone, and he’s coming here for a performance, and I would like it if the both of you went on stage and ash him questions that our school would want to ask him,” Mr. Erbach told us, in a mono-tone voice.

            This made me stop smiling and look at Angelica and Mr. Erbach. I couldn’t do this! I mean, I could, but at this current moment, I couldn’t. Since, I barely got out of the hospital, and, and, and, and…

            “I-I can’t; I mean today is my last day here; which means another girl has to fill in my place!” I stammered, trying to control my “scaredy-cat” moment.

            “Don’t worry, Natasha, it’s going to be today during fifth and sixth period; so you can join us.” He smiled.

            “Why don’t we have it in the theater and Angelica and I go around the theater with microphones and the fans ask Austin their questions?” I suggested.

            “But-” Angelica was about to whine.

            “No, that’s a good idea Ms. Rose; a very, very good idea!” he laughed.

            “Thanks, I think?” I chuckled, raising my eyebrows at myself.

            “Okay, that’s settled. During passing period going to fifth, both of you go to the lunch room; now Austin’s friends will be there, so Angelica: don’t flirt with your boyfriend’s best guy friends; and Natasha: don’t get too attached to them, if they creep you out, just go to their security guard, Dave. Now that’s settled, both of you can go to your classes now, I’ll see the both of you later.” Mr. Erbach said, with excitement in his voice.

            If I was principal and found out a famous person was coming to the school I mostly own, I would also be excited.

            “If I were you, don’t get with Austin’s friends, ‘cause we wouldn’t want Austin finding out that-,” she started once we were in the hallway, but then stopped her sentence.

            “That what?” I asked her in the middle of the hallway.

            “Hey, Angelica,” a familiar voice said behind us.

            “Hey, Austin,” she gave me a glare.

            I quickly ran to the bathroom, praying he wouldn’t ask about me. Why would he even ask about me? I’m his ex-girlfriend for the sake of time!

            But hey, he did care about me, and loved me.

            I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m—not being vain or anything, I hope—down right hot.

            Haha, what a lie; Natasha, you crack yourself up. Loner status.





What’s up Leavers? I’m’s 10:17 pm (the time I wrote this in my Leaving notebook) and…idk.

Yeah, this book is almost coming to an end, only 3-5 more chapters, then Leaving is over then ‘Come Back to Love’ is gonna come on! #SaddestMomentOfALeaver xD 

Teaser: We meet somebody very important who hasn’t really had a chance to talk in the book, and boy, does this person have news for Natasha!

Words: 883


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Edited: 07/03

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