Chapter 29

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Aria POV

I started to freak out.

What's going on? I thought they both were in jail?

They approach me surrounding my bed.

"What's going on?" I questioned them.

"Well, Aria. Since you made our lives pretty much like hell, we are going to put you in hell." Ethan said.

I looked around trying to escape, but I'm tied down to the bed.

"Don't even try to escape Aria. You won't be able to escape." Ethan said.

This seriously can't be happening right now.

Then the doctor speaks up.

"I'm here to fill the room with toxic gas. So you'll die a slow, painful death." The doctor said.

I'm going to die?

I have so much to live for, Jack doesn't even know that I still love him.

Jack needs to know before I die. I can't die without him knowing I still love him.

The guy who raped me who I never really knew his name starts talking.

"I wish that raping you twice, would knock some sense into you." The man who raped me said.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Remember Lilly Brown?"

I then had a flashback to when I first met my bestfriend Lilly.

It was the first day of kindergarten.

I walked into school with my bestfriend Chloe.

We sat at a table with another girl named Lilly Brown.

She had long brown hair with brown eyes.

Us, three were best friends until one day in kindergarten Lilly went missing.

About a week later she was found murderd.

Chloe and I were very upset when we herd our friend was dead.

I was expecially upset when Lilly left me a note before she was murdered.

It said:

Aria, you are my best friend and I have to go now. Bye my wonderful friend, I'm doing this for you.


I still wonder to this day how she possibly could have written that in kindergarten...

********End of Flashback******

"Yes. Lilly was my best friend." I said.

"Lilly was my sister and she died because of you!" Ethan screamed.

"I'm Hank Brown. Lilly's father. When I found out about that note she wrote you, I had to make you pay." Hank said.

I froze.

"Then I was furious, you always got what you wanted. Lilly died because of you so now I'm going to make you pay." Hank said.

Ethan and Hank walked out of the room leaving me alone with this doctor.

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