Chapter 2: Packing is an Enemy

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*Skylars POV*
Today we have to start packing, I mean I'm excited for tour but the packing part? Not so much. I was trying to pack my outfit for the first day of tour but I didn't know what to chose, well, I might as well let the person who supposedly has a "crush" on me help me decide.

"DYLAN" I called

A few moments later Dylan came running into my room holding a very large knife.

"WHERE IS HE, I SWEAR TO GOD IF HE TOUCHED YOU" Dylan said sounding very angry

"Dylan, calm down, nobody was ever in here, I just need some help finding what outfit to wear to the first day of tour. Okay?"

"You made it sound like someone was up here, it almost gave me a heart attack"

That was when I couldn't hold in my laughter a more. I burst out laughing, but I couldn't help but wonder, why was he so worried? And why was he concerned that somebody touched me?

" I would recommend the short black dress you have, last time I checked it was in the closet right? Behind the boxes?"

"WHY DO YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE IT IS?" I was kinda worried that he knew where it was because, it's my closet and my room. Why was he snooping around in my room?

"I know you better than anybody else, Skylar, you can't hide things from me." He said while walking out of the room.

*Dylans POV*
"Why did you have to be such a creep all the time?" I thought to myself. "You didn't need to tell her where it was, you could have just recommended it, but noo you have to go and jack it all up."

I decided that I should probably get packing as well, I mean we only have a week left until we go on tour, and knowing me I won't pack till last moment so might as well get a head start, I thought to myself as I remembered what happened last time.

"Are you trying to tell me that you haven't started packing for tour yet? The tour starts tomorrow dude." Skylar stated.
"YOU DONT KNOW ME!" I screamed back at her.
*end of flashback*

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