Chapter 3: Week Before Tour

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*Skylars p.o.v*

It's officially a week before the tour starts, and I'm super excited for it!! I recently found out that Dylan has a "crush" on me, but I don't like him in that way so if he asks me out, I'll shoot him down, but that may break up the band. So I might just go along with it, but hopefully that doesn't happen. I'm super excited to go on tour with my favorite band. I've been listening to them since they first originated in 2001. Wow such hipster. They actually saved my life on multiple occasions, physically and mentally. They helped me get through what hell was my life at that time. It was a rough time in my life when I discovered them, but they helped me make it through. It is starting to worry me that I might bother them, which is the last thing that I would want to do to my idols. I hope they don't mind me and my problems, but it's not like I'm going to put them all out into the world. Not even my band mates know about my mental disorders. If I ever share what's wrong with me to you, that means that you are my best friend. Well, I have to go finish packing, write in you later I guess.

As I finished the last sentence in my journal entry for the day, it finally hit me. I have never told anyone what is wrong with me. Never even once said a single word mentioning my disorders. In that moment I realized that I needed someone in my life that I could share this type of information with. I get that I have my band mates, and they are practically family, but I just don't want it to change my relationship with all of them.

*Dylans p.o.v*
Skylar looked like she was in the middle of a deep thought when I walked into her room. She kinda looked distressed and saddened. I decided to ask her what's up.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, probably just some nerves from going on tour I guess." she said back to me.

"Oh, okay, just remember that if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you." I said, trying to be as heartfelt as possible.

"Okay, thanks Dylan." She said back.

I knew that that wasn't why she looked so sad, but I didn't want to keep picking at her and have her shut me out, so I decided to just drop the subject.

I still haven't finished packing, let alone mentally prepared myself for tour. It's kinda terrifying knowing that you are going to be spending the next three months of your life, playing show after show, with your idols.

"Idols," I said out loud.

"I'm going on tour with my freaking idols," I said slightly louder without realizing it.

"GOOD FOR YOU DYLAN!" Ashely screamed at me.

"UGHHH, Dylan you stupid." I said out loud while internally cursing myself.

There is a lot of what ifs that come along with being in a band and touring. What if we play a sold out show? What our band breaks up after 12 years of being together? *subtle MCR reference* What if this is the tour when me an Skylar finally get together?

At that moment it sunk in. There is a chance that me and Skylar could start dating. That means this tour would be the start of the rest of our lives together. There is a slight possibility that if we get together, we may break up. This could result in, A) me being kicked out of the band. B) the band breaking up all together. Or C) I die of awkwardness. There is a chance that all of the above could happen to, but we won't think about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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