Chapter 5

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It's been two weeks since my date with zack. I think I might be in love... We text everyday and go on a date almost every night. It's simply perfect, but Harry is causing some issues.... He has been I'm a terrible mood lately and does nothing but glare at me! I have no idea what I did but we NEED to talk.

I got up from my warm bed and crept into Louis room looking for Harry. "Lou do you know where Harry is?" I asked.

He sighed "No babe why? He's not in the best mood you know he..."

I cut him off, "Yea I know I just want to know why he has been so cold towards me lately. Do you have any idea?" Louis looked at me with a sad smile.

"Yea he's just a little jealous but it will all be fine eventually." Louis smiled at me. Jealous? Of me? I'm soooo confused...

"Jelous?" I ask. Louis just nods and says something about me finding out eventually. I'm totally overwhelmed and stressed about this, and Louis can tell. He wraps his arms around me into a huge beats hug. He tickles my sides and I squirm away from him but he grabs me again.

"Dont be sad little baaaaaabbbbyyyy!" Louis screeches into my ear. I laugh and give him a big sloppy kiss on the head before racking him and getting up to run. When I turn around I see a very angry looking Harry standing in the door way.

"Could you please get out of Louis room so I can talk to him?" Harry growled. I shakily nodded and scampered out of the room. Angry Harry scares the shit out of me!


Later that night I was on the phone with Zack telling him about how cross Harry has been lately.

"I just don't get what I did to him, ya know?" I whine to zack. He sighed into the phone.

"look babe, just don't worry about him. He is being a duche for no reason and needs to chill out. And if he lays a hand on you Juju.... He won't live long enough to apologize...."

Great. That's just what I want; Zack and Harry fighting. Yay for life....

Zack and I ended our conversation with equal exhaustion. I got into my bed and started thinking about me and Louis talk. If Harry was jealous of zack then why would he take it Out on me? I mean unless he is jealous of something else but I'm brain dead as to what that could be. But louis did say I would find out soon enough....


It's Saturday morning, which means the boys are off today. That is equally bad and good...

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon, my favorite! But Harry is the only person who cooks so maybe, just maybe, this means he is in a better mood.

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