Chapter 10

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I had settled in next to Mother Moon, crossing my legs indian style and trying my damndest to stay awake. I wouldn't fall asleep, not again, and have them do something fucked up. Granted they were ignoring us, all of the victors, and just talking amongst themselves. The only God that I saw keeping to himself was the Hyena God. He sat there, his back straight and his eyes focused on something not in this room. I rolled my eyes and pressed my fingers into the temples of my head, I was getting a migraine and that was not good at all.

"Luna," Filly whispered in my head and I pulled my eyes open and looked at hers from across the circle "go to sleep." I closed them and shook my head, crossing my arms and clenching my teeth.

"If you try staying up with that growing migrane of yours, you're going to either go postal here or in school. I'm not liking either of those things for you." I shook my head, probably harder than before, and it rattled my brain. I snarled softly and dug my nails into my palms. I wouldn't shift in front of them, I would make myself submit to being calm.

"Luna, please. Just sleep." Ursula whispered through the link and I huffed. I wouldn't sleep and risk something else happening.

"If it does we'll wake you." Leotis promised.

"And if your mouths are sealed?"

"We'll scream as loud as we can through the link. Just sleep Luna, you've got time." Those words, whispered by Felicia made her drift off. She closed her eyes and let her body rest.

When I awoke I was in my room, I shot up and looked at my wrists only to see that they had no damage. I knew they wouldn't, but if they had it would've added to the rage I felt bubbling up. I gritted my teeth and flung the sheet away from me before running to the window. I lifted it up and squinted into the bright morning, the birds were chirping; too oblivious to know that I was angry enough to set fire to a whole forest.

"BASTARDS, THE LOT OF YOU!!! FILTHY, HORRIBLE, LYING BASTARDS THAT CHEATED ME OUT OF A LIFE THAT I COULD'VE LIVED OUT VERY FUNCTIONALLY IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOUR INFLUENCE!!!" I yelled, feeling my palms heat as my anger surged to the top. If I didn't put a lid on it, I would end up burning my window pane...again. I got no answer in return, simply a slight breeze and elevated noise of chatter amongst the birds. Fucking Ave. I moved away from my window and clenched my teeth before letting out air between my teeth. I wouldn't let them get to me, I was too strong to allow them to make me into a little puppy again.

"You've got this Luna, just shower and dress. Smile and make it. Rinse and repeat." I said under my breath before heading to the shower. I was stronger than the Gods', I was the weapon they'd never meant to forge and I knew that sooner or later they would pay for what they did. Sooner or later... or in a dream. I kept everything strict, not deviating or feeling anything. I changed into my clothes keeping my back straight and showing no emotion. I knew that if I did the rage would fly out and I would have no control over what I did and who I did it to. Simple dark jeans, a neon green sweater, and black converse. I shoved my hair into a messy bun and put one arm through my book bag before going down the stairs.

"Luna, food." My mother called from the kitchen and I spun on my heel, never stopping knowing I had to keep my engines running. I walked in on my mother sitting at the table, a sight that I hadn't grown accustomed to, a mug of coffee in her hand and worried look marring her brow.

"You're OK, right Luna?" She asked, her voice laced with nothing but love and worry. It made me sick to my stomach. There was too much love in her, I felt every second of her love as it flew from her body and into her children. I knew she couldn't stand for one of her pups to be in pain and knew that if one of them were to get hurt, the rage that flew through Luna's veins daily would flow through her mother.

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