Chapter 11

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I picked myself up off the floor and dusted of my sweater, wiping the little bit of blood that came from my mouth as a result of me biting my lip. I looked to the window only to see it fully repaired.

"Aww, c'mon!!" I yelled right before I was punched in my cheek and thrown back onto the ground. I looked up to see Abaddon with fury lacing her eyes.

"Get up you worthless sack of-" She was hit by a rock and thrown to th other end of the parking lot before she could finish the sentence.

"You were about to say a no no word, which will not be tolerated on school property." Leo snarled, before throwing the huge rock back into the forested area. Abaddon's body was then encased in a water ball that continuosly twisted and turned, making it impossible for her to swim through it.

"Yeah, bitch." Filly said with a smile as she concentrated on twisting the globe.

"Free her and we shall settle this another day." Azazel said from behind us, the rest of the coup from Hell behind him.

"Like Hell we will." Ursula chuffed, folding her arms and watching Azazel. She hated demons, more than kittens hated water. A side of his mouth lifted before he nodded to his companion stuck in the water ball.

"Release her and you have my word there shall be no more trouble from us this week."

"And we're to take a demon's word?"

"I'm afraid you have no choice." At that Urse raised a brow and waved her hand toward the globe, making it freeze instantly.

"No, I'm afraid you're the one that seems to be lacking in that department.... We release her, you must cause no harm for two weeks."

"Ever would be good too, just puttin' that in there." Evangeline, the bird victor, said softly. Azazel narrowed his eyes and I surveyed the other demons, succubi, and incubi. They all appeared to be normal average rich kids, my wolf growled and I sighed softly. It made things slightly more difficult, but we'd get pass it. We always get pass it.

"Fine, two weeks. Free her now before her human casing becomes unfit." Ursula narrowed her eyes but willed the cold air away and Filly let the water back into the Earth.

"You fucking-"

"Abaddon, home!" Azazel growled, losing his temper for the first time this encounter. We all watched as her body turned to smoke before the rest of theirs did. All was silent until they all turned to me, their arms crossed and their lips pursed.


"Why is it always you?"


he rest of the day was surprisingly uneventful, I got a B on my trig test which I couldn't really complain about. I drove home in the bike right behind the family car and allowed myself to analyze the new situation we'd finagled ourselves into while I cruised. We had a party mix from the underworld sent to aid the humans in destroying us. One of the members of said mix was hell bent, no pun intended, on getting revenge on me for killing her mate who I had been assigned to kill by the Gods'. Somehow everything managed to point back to them. On top of the whole shit-cream sundae that we had going on, we'd have to keep them low profile while they stayed in the school; we didn't need teenagers getting all rallied up and the war occurring prematurely. That would be a fate no-no. If there was anything that I had learned in my eighteen years of being a victor. specifically the Red Luna, was that when fate knocks at your door you'd best have tea and cookies ready because you'd need it on your side. Before long we reached the gates of the ghetto, where guards were supposed to stand ready to monitor the actions of the unruly but we'd put and end to that shit earlier. I smiled at the memory.

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