10; clinically insane

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[trigger warning: i don't know if anything in this chapter is actually triggering but i feel like some things could be so i'm putting this here anyways because i don't want to take chances]

Life was great.

Though many would beg to differ with the above statement, particularly the people who'd been brutally slaughtered minutes ago, the psychopath with an everlasting sinister smirk set on her lips would never believe otherwise. It wasn't like lifeless corpses, whose blood was practically painting the kitchen walls, could argue with her or even attempt to plead their case of the many reasons why life was certainly not great— especially not when Lita had just about everything she wanted, and at no point in time had she ever been happier to be a psychopath.

Her situation, to any normal human, would be horrifying. Overpowered by an ancient trickster demon, one capable of inflicting unimaginable terror upon anyone he so desired, if they'd known even a fraction of what he could do, they'd run for their life. The pathetic human would shake with fear, too weak to form as much as a lone coherent sentence; muttering "please" & "let me go" like a broken record, all while the demon watched in amusement.

But not Lita.

If said weak, pathetic human was replaced by the infamous psychopath, it almost seemed to reverse their roles entirely. Of course, the demon was indeed still overpowering, but the human, now no longer susceptible to emotions like fear, didn't fall weak to the death grip holding her tightly against the wall. The pain, the way she could practically feel the bluish purple bruises forming on each arm, didn't phase her like it should've— in fact, no pain did.

Pain was an indication, a warning sign that intensified whenever death grew closer. Pain was the human mind's very own stop sign, flashing a blindingly bright red whenever something managed to trigger its insatiable demand to be acknowledged & felt. It struck panic by design, and existed only to be avoided at all costs by anyone with so much as a speck of sanity; the only exception, being someone who lacked that vital fragment. That exception came in the form of clinically insane Lita Mitchell.

Of course, she felt pain; she felt the way the skin on her wrists burned, and how the bones beneath it were on the verge of cracking if the demon's iron grip tightened even the slightest bit more. She felt the way her jaw still ached from the impact of her head being slammed against the kitchen counter minutes ago by someone she was almost embarrassed to say was of blood relation to her, and she felt the way her head pained as though someone had hit her with a hammer rather than a fist.

The fine line separating her from anyone else, was that no matter how much the pain demanded her attention, she never gave in. She saw the bright lights, the stop sign indicating that it was too much to handle, and the only thing she wanted to do was floor it & leave the sign in the dust. What truly made the difference, was that Lita could stare death directly in the dark brown, remorseless eyes, and not a single part of her cared whether or not he killed her then & there.

"What was that about knowing how I planned to shut you up?" The nogitsune seethed, his once calm demeanour now nothing but rage. Lita could tell she'd clearly hit a nerve, and she was all but alarmed by that discovery— she'd done what she escaped Eichen to do. She had her revenge, and even if she didn't get to torch the treasured family home, she no longer cared if the nogitsune came to the realization that she was dead weight & killed her. Although, she wouldn't be upset if the situation went in a different direction.

"I would've went into detail, but I took being pinned to the wall as an indication to stop talking." Lita shrugged, struggling to move her hands as the lack of blood began to trigger pins & needles in her fingertips. She had another sentence ready on the tip of her tongue, but chose to bite it back as she suspected it would anger the creature far more than it'd amuse her.

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