12; twelve night stand

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Getting back into Eichen House without being caught was not an easy task.

Everyone there knew her face, her voice— she certainly couldn't just walk right in as she was, looking fresh out of a street fight. That'd have her busted in under a minute. She had to be careful & plan ahead. She knew the nogitsune would be her way out, but in order to get in & get what she needed from the demon's "friend," she had to decide before going what her exact plan of action was.

She used the car they stole to get back to the Eichen House parking lot. She parked far away, choosing a spot where the employees would usually park so she'd be brushed off as a nurse; then, she waited. Lita wasn't exactly sure of the time as the car's digital clock was obviously incorrect (she knew for certain it was not 9:02am), but she assumed it had to have been at least an hour she remained in the car in silence, hoping like hell that it was not yet being tracked by the police, before she heard another car pull up beside her & fall silent.

The window was cracked, allowing her to listen as who she assumed to be an orderly or nurse exited their car & walked around to the other side, the side that Lita was on. As soon as she heard them open the door, she was quick to open hers as well & slip out, a crowbar she'd earlier retrieved from the trunk held tightly in her hand. The woman didn't even have a chance to get a good look at her face before she was out like a light— never to wake again, once Lita swung the metal down on her skull once more with enough force to fracture it.

Quick & painless, a death someone like you will never deserve. She thought to herself as she shoved the orderly's lifeless body into the back seat of her car. Lita looted all the bags, as well as the trunk & soon found herself with a key card, some makeup, an orderly outfit & a few bottles of pills she was sure would come in handy at some point. After a few minutes, when she was certain no one had seen her murder an orderly, she climbed into the backseat of the stolen car (the one without a dead body, obviously— she learned quite quickly that those began to emit a horrid stench far too fast for her liking) & swapped her casual clothes for the orderly uniform.

She covered the bruises on her face, arms & neck with makeup to the best of her abilities, blending various colours together to match her skin tone— she was noticeably paler than the orderly. The end result wasn't particularly horrid, being that she could still vaguely recall being fourteen (before she "had a psychotic episode & killed her brother" as the headlines put it) & attempting to make herself look older to go to a high school party (the hostess had a horrendously annoying dog that Lita was dying to kill— pun very much intended). She never did end up getting in, nor did she kill the girl's dog— she did spend some time in the back seat of a car with a decently hot guy (who may or may not have been a couple years older than her) though, so it wasn't entirely a disappointment. Lita liked to think of it as a learning experience, because she learned a lot of interesting things that night.

Oh, the memories.

As fun as it was to reminisce, she had little time to stand around & live in the past: the demon had given her a task, and she intended to see it through in a timely matter. While Lita didn't procrastinate, she did have a tendency to daydream rather inapt things; more often than not, she was able to do so & still maintain a decent focus on her current task, but this required her undivided attention.

Things were about to get a whole lot more challenging.

Most, if not all of the Eichen staff who'd been there for more than a month knew her face— even some newcomers had been able to instantly recognize her from the various news reports. She was notorious in the town of Beacon Hills, and for once, she wasn't reverting to her usual level of narcissism each time she was reminded of that. For this to work, she had to be a nobody; a worthless, pathetic, weak little orderly who got paid to work at the psycho zoo. Shooting up lunatics all day & ensuring they remain in the cages— a cage she was once locked in & vowed to never return to.

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