13; plaything

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Lita wasn't surprised.

If anything, she'd been expecting that greeting— if not that, something similar or violent. She'd played out all conceivable outcomes in her mind on the drive here; this had been the fourth to come to mind. The kitsune somehow (Lita hadn't worked out how the fox figured it out, nor did she really care) knew she was coming on behalf of its demonic counterpart, and as per the norm, the possibility of her dying here had doubled. Lita should have been afraid, but as soon as the stolen pistol was in her hand, her faintest concern had vanished without a trace.

Lita didn't hesitate when she walked down the stairs, the loaded gun held behind her back. She knew not all supernatural creatures could be harmed by a gun, but Lita trusted to some extent that a weapon given to her by the nogitsune would at least do damage. She didn't trust him the slightest, but she trusted his gameplay— whether it was Go or Chess that they were playing, now was not the time to throw away an advantage.

"It was not a wise choice to return here." The same voice she'd heard moments ago spoke again. Lita soon realized the voice belonged to a middle aged Japanese woman— who more than likely was a hell of a lot older than middle aged if she was the kitsune Stiles had sent her to kill. "Lita Mitchell."

"Wow, congratulations! You know how to read a newspaper."

The woman laughed dryly. "Your ignorance will be your demise."

"Really? I gotta disagree with you there." Lita smiled, her grip on the pistol tightening. The woman didn't look down to see her arm tucked behind her back, but something about the look in her eyes, Lita could tell she knew. Maybe not exactly what the weapon was, but she knew she had a weapon, and that was all that mattered. "So.. This wouldn't happen to be where you hid your last tail, would it? 'Cause I've got a deadline.."

"Is that what you're here for?" The kitsune questioned, obviously already aware. She was resorting to the age-old trick of stalling— she had no plan, Lita could see that from a mile away. Someone with a plan would have knocked the gun from her hands by now, or called upon their demon warriors to defend themselves. Lita knew that look better than anything, and even if it was only for a split second, she knew now that this was going to be far easier than anticipated. The Oni were preoccupied. "I'm afraid I can't give it to you."

"Okay." Lita shrugged, steadily removing the gun from behind her back & aiming it at the woman. She was inhumanly still, her stance firm. Not a single movement was made that wasn't absolutely intentional. "Then I'll just take it."

To Lita's surprise, the kitsune didn't flinch, nor did her expression change. Lita supposed in nine hundred years of life, the woman would've had to learn a damn good poker face by now— especially during the various wars. An insane asylum patient like Lita knew all too well the importance of hiding emotion. Only for her, it was more along the lines of hiding a sinister smile when she'd stolen from an orderly. "I would have thought you'd want to ask me some questions first. About Stiles— or, the nogitsune, as I know him."

"Honestly? No. I don't really care what ulterior motives you know he has." Lita informed her. It was the absolute truth, too— Lita truly did not care what the nogitsune intended on doing to her once he succeeded in killing Scott McCall. He could kill her, he could leave her to the wolves; but she did not fear pain, nor death. She acknowledged the everlasting possibility of both, and easily came to the conclusion that when they finally came for her, as she knew they someday would, she would treat them as though they were her best friends. If psychopaths had friends. "You're aware I'm fucking insane, right? To the fullest extent."

"And that will be your downfall—"

She didn't get the chance to finish her sentence before Lita squeezed the trigger, silencing her with a bullet to her head. Simply because she could, the psychopath proceeded to fire a few more bullets into the kitsune, aiming for her heart to ensure she was dead— Lita doubted anything supernatural could heal from a head shot, but the nogitsune had never specifically told her what a definite kill shot would be, and she didn't like to leave loose ends.

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