Favorite pencil

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You were my favorite pencil, and I really thought we could be.

you worked so well for everyone to see.

I used you everyday at school,

I can't believe you always stayed so cool.

then one day, i dropped you on the floor,

so I got over it and went to the store.

I bought a new pencil that looked just like you.

It completed the task that i wanted it to.

but when i went to school, the very next day,

he was writing with you and it made me go cray!

i jumped out of my seat and ripped you out of his hand!

This was just something i could not stand!

your MY pencil, not his!

How dare he use you like this!

I smacked him in the face when he tried to pull you back,

and now i'm sitting in here to get my "attitude back on track"

your still my favorite pencil, and don't get me wrong,

but you made me look like i was imitating king kong.

because of you, i attacked that kid,

now, sitting in the principals office, i have decided to go off the grid.

im leaving the state, im leaving the country,

people look at me like im this crazy monkey.

to think that my favorite pencil sent me away,

makes me too sad to ever have a pencil again any day.

goodbye sweet pencil, you always were the best.

i hope one day you'll help someone else ace a test,

but until then, know you helped me,

ace the test of life and be the person im supposed to be.

goodbye forever, and don't forget to write,

but please dont send someone else out of the country or get them into fights;)

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