Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Right. ... So, I'm fired.

Nope, that sounded a little harsh even when I said it only in my head. I took a deep breath and huffed up another step. I was sure these blasted steps only got longer each time I climbed it. What sort of sick pervert had stairs to his blasted office?


I glanced up at the last few steps and cursed anew. I was supposed to have my little speech perfected by now; instead, I got side-tracked griping about the damn steps. Perhaps if I had actually made it to that blasted Zumba class, I might have had less to gripe about. But then, I would have missed out on Justin's incredible performance. My hips automatically swung to the tune of his song even as I completed the last lap and landed before the daunting receptionist Justin still employed.

Gritting my teeth, I strode up to her desk and said in no uncertain terms, "I need to see Justin."

"He is in the conference right now. Take a seat."

We clashed eyes then, each eyeing the other threateningly, but as always, the stairs had drained the better part of my vigour. So I turned heel and marched off to take my seat instead.

My mind went inevitably back to last night.

Justin Kay had romanced me.

A romantic serenade followed by some endearing cuddling. We spent the night cooing besottedly at each other. Dozing off in the wee hours of the morning, the shrill alarm had us leaping out of bed in frantic urgency for work. All warm thoughts had fled as we completed the by now usual morning routine of clambering all over the city from his place to mine as we made ready for the day ahead.

Then, he kissed me off at my building and took off in a mad dash across the city to make his own morning appointments. I had gone back to lovey-dovey mode after that kiss and all but swept into my office, riding on the high.

Twenty minutes later, and I was shuffling about, sniffing back the tears at the contents of the envelope I found unopened on my desk.

Orgasm Orlando opened my door a moment later to reiterate the contents of the letter in words I couldn't possibly misunderstand.

So I blew my nose, sucked in my guts, and packed up my belongings—belongings that I tossed into the first bin I crossed on the way out before I made my way here to Justin's office to break the news.

What if he didn't want me anymore? What if last night's serenade was it? I knew it was dumb for me to keep thinking the end was hovering near, but I couldn't help it. The last good thing that had happened to me hadn't lasted. Track records indicated that this wouldn't either.

I sat there twiddling my thumbs and went back to planning what I needed to say. Then, the door opened, and Justin was there, drawing me into his exuberant hug before taking me in to his office. I didn't even notice the others that filed out.

"I-I lost my job."

Saying it out loud felt bad. I felt instantly like a loser. I also felt incredibly like a charity case, a pet project belonging to the indulgently rich.

I looked up to find Justin Kay looking unusually dark and foreboding. He looked almost unrecognizable. I wouldn't have known it was him if I had not seen the change from happy to furious in a dark instant.

I tore my gaze away to look down at my feet and noted that I should have at least waited 'til we had moved away from the door. But at least it was closed shut, keeping the prying ears and eyes of his blasted receptionist at bay. I would have died if she'd heard my declaration.

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