Parole Contano

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Nat: - Moe words sounds pure with truth, He hugs me as I let go and hug him back. My thangs disappear into my gums as my thick fingers nails becomes normal.  A tire falls down my left cheek, I catch it and glance at it as it dry's into my skin. This must be true...that the cruse is undoing already?

Vampires don't cry. 

Vicky: - Pink little nose and tissues all over Hannah's bed.  I walk into her room as she blows away.

"I've made you pumpkin soup darling"

I place the pumpkin soup on her side bed table as she uncovers herself in her cosy bed sheets and grabs her soup.  Her spoon drops down slowly into the plate and puts it in her mouth.

Toby: - "Beep, Beep" my phone rings in home room class and the Teacher Dean looks at me in loathing. "Sorry Sir, It's my dad" I hang up the phone as Dean looks away, five minutes later the bell rings to go home and we all run of calls. I call Dad once again, feeling bad I just hanged up on me.

"Hello dad what wrong, how come you called?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to pick you up today from school  because I will be at work till late tonight, so you'll have to take the bus to get home, sorry son but next time I will, I promise"

Great not the bus again, I thought.

I just agreed and hang up the phone not caring because dads always breaks his promises and now I don't take it seriously that he will do it. 

Alex: - Nat watchers T.V, as I start to pick up the broken pieces from my bathroom door and lean the two snap woods against the wall near my table stand. I take a sit next to Nat with my leg across pointing to my broken leg. "Can you please tell me what's going on Nat?"  She doesn't say anything as she keeps her eyes on the T.V box.

Nat: - He saw me and didn't attack me, maybe I shouldn't feel threaten by him?

I hide and he tells me not to, maybe I shouldn't be scared of it?

He embraces me with trust, maybe I could trust it?  The cruse breaker. My mind is mix up with thoughts ask he waits for his answer.

So I let everything unfold to Alex about becoming a vampire and who really bite me which we call her the red Vampire, strongest of them all because she never found her cure.  At the moment I finish talking  to Alex, he just nods his head and smiles at me as he opens a can of beer.

I don't know why he didn't ask me questions  like ; what's the cue or what happens when you found the cure; all the things I wouldn't know how to answer. 

Hannah: - I haven't seen  Alex and Nat since we were at the hospital It's only been three days but still not even a text. I flip my phone out of my right blue jean pocket, as I head down stairs for breakfast, my mother makes me scrambled eggs with bacon on toast and my father makes himself a black coffee and sits down on the table with his newspaper.

"Hey Alex, how are you?"

I grab my plate as I thank mum and say hello to my dad.

A few seconds later goes by, half way through my scrambled toast.

"Beep, Beep!"

"No phones at the table Hannah during eating time" Mother takes my phone off me at puts it up on the kitchen bench.

Toby: - I lay in bed asleep, with less bed sheets over my body then normal, the sun peaks through the hallway into my room and leads on my face.

I open my eyes, my left hand covering the sun light as I make sure my eye balls don't burn from the heat of the sun.

My phone beeps as I get off my bed, I open it up to see who it is, its Corey saying Hello, I reply back and get ready for another day of school.

Hannah: - I brush my teeth as my mouth foams up with white paste, I spit out and rinse the soap out. I wave my parent goodbye and I grab my phone off the kitchen bench. I flip it open once again and look at the text message.

"Hey Hannah, its Nat, Alex's gone to work today and he forgot his phone here but he'll be back tonight at six o'clock. I'll let him know you text him when his back"

I felt disappointed as I read the text but at least I know that Alex is alright to work now.

"Okay Thanks"  I close my phone up and put it away in my bag.

Seraph:-  "Toby?" I slowly swing Toby's bedroom door. 

"What?" He reply's with a soft voice

"Mum and Dad are out, we gotta take the bus to school"

I hear a huff of harsh air coming out of Toby's mouth.

I close the door and start texting Chelsea that'll be late for school once again.

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