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Alex: - A sight into a castle, build with purple and dark brown stone bricks and a lock unlocks the slickly front wooden door. The youthful ballroom floors I walk on, lights appear from above me as I stand in the middle and rush of people perform in a line as they start to dance an ancient dance. I stay there, awkwardly with no partner until a young beautiful lady steps in front of me, red and white puffy dress, her blonde hair is half up and down with curls. Boys on the right and lady's on the left. They all move closer to each other but only there right hands touch as they spin slowly in a circle and then they spin the other way with their left hands touching and swiping partners until they reach there first partner from the beginning. I follow as I touch the beautiful lady's hand, she never makes eye contact with me but she held a smile on her face. They move faster and faster until the music stops and everyone claps with joy. I thank her for the dance and she turns away into the crowd.

I continue to walk to found her but the crowd disappears into a blue smoke and so does she. Red roses and lilies surround me, I'm outside of the castle all of a sudden not remembering how i got here. I glance to the sky, and it turns into night as I blink slowly. Snowflakes fall from the sky, I feel myself leaning on something or someone, the snowflakes leads into my palms, I turn around and see a giant stalk. It appears green and pink with little and thick tree benches crossing each other around the stalk. It stands straight high into the clouds slowly swaying with the wind; it doesn't dig into the roses and lilies soil. A blue light that looks as if it's in a ball of water, I move to it slowly and touch it with my fingers. It disappears as another one moves up to the stalk leaving my fingers wet. It wants me to follow it, I thought. So I climb, it gets winder and the snowflakes turns into rain. I'm almost there as I see the light spread into the clouds above me. I lose grip as the stalk starts to fade away below my feet. I'm going to fall, I thought. The blue light gets even brighter, I just make it. The clouds holds as I stand, I feel like a ghost but I still hear my heart beat, a few seconds past as I wonder where this blue light is taking me. I hear another heartbeat, deeper and louder than mine. At first the beat sounds slower but then beats with mine. The blue light turns into smoke as I no longer stand on a cloud and I don't see anything but smoke. The smoke fades and I see Nat.

Nat: - Its morning and  Alex hasn't woken up yet. The window blinds are close as the sunrise peaks through, I feel a burn as the light accidentally hits my left arm but it heals after I move away from it. The room is surrounded by a red light that looks like smoke, it flows around Alex and I, leaving every corner of the room untouched. A blue light glows within Alex's body as it grows out to his chest into a blue ball, the red smoke covers the blue ball and they both shiver out and back in into a purple glow into Alex's chest and softens away.

I feel a stink on my hand. Ouch I whisper under my breath.

Toby: - Birthday cake sits on the table and candles lights out as Corey blows, I stand next to Hannah, we all cheer at Corey, his puppy Dalmatian Dog Perry licks his father's face and Corey's mother prepare the plates for the cake for everyone.

Vicky: - I give Corey's mother a hand as she passers the birthday cake around too everyone, Her long brown hair braid swishes side to side as she walks to her husband with a slice of cake and gives him a kiss on his left cheek. Her husband gives me the impression he is bold with his arms tattooed to his neck and shaved head, He looks too tough to be kind but appearances do lie. Jake embrace me behind and whispers in my ear as he looks towards Hannah and Toby.

"Hannah's new boyfriend huh?"    

"Yep, our little girl is growing up"

Corey, Hannah and Toby start to play chase with Perry as the music turn on again.

"I love you"

"I love you too beautiful"

Alex: - I slowly open my eyes and I pull myself up from my bed, I see Nat painting her toe nails pink on the sofa, she looks up and smiles but I didn't realise until my head is up right. I put my left arm over my chest to the bite mark on my neck, I feel no bite mark but a layer of weak skin, my neck hurts similarly to when Nat bite me, I get up slowly to the bathroom and look into my bathroom mirror, I have an imprint.

Two X's remain on my neck. Do I regret it now? I thought.

I walk into the main room and Nat looks over in the direction of me and asking me a question but I don't hear it at first for my ears are still adjusting.

"Alex? Are you alright?"

I node my head and place my bottom on the sofa next to her nice scent feet.

"Yes I am but what's this?" I corner her to the edge of the sofa.

She looks at me with pursuit and placers her soft caring hands on mine.

"It's normal I have one too" Nat turns her hand around as I see one X.

"This your first time doing it?"

Nat nodes and lets go of my hands.

"I thought I wouldn't be able to stop myself, to answer that I did it twice didn't go well "

Nat's head depressed as I left it up towards me and smile and showed me the other two Xs on her other hand.

"But you did stop"
Feeling a little deflated that I wasn't her first but at least I was going to be here last. I smile at Nat and kiss her pointy cheeks that seem a little less pointy then before.

I glance away towards where my phone was on my bed head but it wasn't there. Oh no Hannah, I thought. I check the time on my wall that faces behind the T.V. It's already lunch time and I'm not even hungry. I can't believe competently forgot. Where's my phone?

"Here, you forgot to text Hannah, I was going to do it for you since you past out on the bed but I don't know what I would of said to her, sorry"

I thank her and never replied to her silly apology.

"Hey Hannah, I'm sorry I didn't call you, I know it's been two days since you wanted to talk, I got stuck in something and I forgot my phone here at my place with Nat. How are things going? Any gossip about Toby? ; )"

Seraph:-  I lay on Chelsea's bed next to her laptop as we watch funny videos on YouTube. We tangle our feet together. She pause the video and looks at me.
"What are you doing?"
"Huh? Nothing why?" I untangle my feet from hers and smile at her.


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