Chapter 4

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Pictures are flying by on Mark’s computer when suddenly they freeze. Then an icon comes up telling him he’s no longer connected to the internet. Everyone is frozen silent for a moment...

"You don’t think," Eduardo asks.

Mark interupts, "I do."

"Go see if it’s everybody," Mark says.

Dustin, Chris and Eduardo head out of the room. Mark waits as the guys start coming back in the room.

"Can’t connect," Chris says.

"The network’s down," Dustin adds.

"Unless it’s a coincidence I think this is us," Eduardo says.

"It’s not a coincidence," Mark says with a smerk on his face.

"Holy shit," Eduardo says.

                                                                        *                     *                      *                               

                                                                                  Flashback Ends.


It’s three years later and Mark is sitting with his Lawyers at

a large conference table. Mark finally finishes his story. He is wearing a hoodie, sweatpants

and Adidas flip-flops. Mark’s a different person in these flash-forward scenes. Still

tortured and complicated, but comfortable now with his own power.

His lawyer is Sy, who’s accompanied by some junior associates,

one of whom--a pleasant, pretty and professional young contemporary of Mark’s named Marylin. On the other side are Eduardo and his lawyer, Gretchin, also accompanied by some associates. A Stenographer is typing the record. The room is glass on two sides. Gretchin is taking Mark’s deposition.

"So you were called in front of the Ad Board," Gretchin asks.

"That’s not what happened," Mark answers.

"You weren’t called in front of the Administrative Board?" Gretchin asks.

"No, I mean back at the bar with Erica Albright. She said all that?

"Mark, I wouldn’t," Sy says.

"That I said that stuff to her?" Mark interupts.

"I was reading from the transcript of her deposition," Gretchin said.

"Why would you even need to depose her?" Mark asks.

"That’s really for us to," Gretchin starts to answer.

"You think if I know she can make me look like a jerk I’ll be more likely to settle?" Mark says.

"Why don’t we stretch our legs for a minute, can we do that? It’s been almost three hours and frankly you did spend an awful lot of time embarrassing Mr. Zuckerberg with the girl’s testimony from the bar," Sy says.

"I’m not embarrassed, she just made a lot of that up," Mark says.

"She was under oath," Gretchin says.

"Then I guess that would be the first time somebody’s lied under oath," Mark says.

People are stretching and getting coffee and talking quietly. Mark stays in his seat. Marylin, the attractive second year associate who’s on Mark’s legal team is still sitting too...about four seats down from Mark.

"The site got twenty-two hundred hits within two hours?" She asks Mark.

"Thousand," Mark answers. 

"What?" Marylin asks.

"Twenty-two thousand," Mark says.

Marylin pauses for a second.

"Wow," She says.

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