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-Jenny's POV-

I let out a laugh and head outside, taking my Marlboro cigarette and lighting it. Life's amazing. No Louis, no drama just simple. After a few puffs of the cigarette I let it drop to the ground and squish it with the heel of my boot. I walk back in the studio and pick the mic up. I put the headphones on and waited for the music to begin.

"How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb. Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold. Until you find it there and lead it back home. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can't wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can't wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become. Now that I know what I'm with. You can't just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real."

"Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can't wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can't wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become. Bring me to life. (I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside) Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch. Without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. All this time I can't believe I couldn't see. Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me. I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems. Got to open my eyes to everything."

"Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul. Don't let me die here. There must be something more. Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can't wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can't wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become. (Bring me to life) I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside (Bring me to life.)"

I smile and take the headphones off. Griffin returned the smile and gave me a thumbs up, as I came towards him. I grabbed the water bottle and chugged it.

"I still don't get how you chug that whole bottle... Anyways, since today is your last day here you may leave. Only if you promise not to be caught getting in fights with random people." I let out a sigh and nod. "Good. See you next week, kid." I stand up and grab my bag and as I'm about to leave, he says, "WAIT! Head over to Syco records. Ask for Simon Cowell." I raise my eyebrows and head out.



"Jenny! Griffin and I think it's best if you tour with One Direction. You seem to have gained more popularity in a year. You will sing before they go on stage and after. Oh and after the third song you'll sing with them til the tenth song. Rehearsals are about to begin in five in room 295. Have a good evening, Ms.Devine." Simon smiles at me evilly. I grit my teeth and shake my head.

"Over my dead body. I refuse, I shan't, I won't. Besides you can't make me. I have to sign a contract. Plus Griffin knows I don't make any agreements without asking my band first." I reply smugly. 

"We already asked them. They said they will if you do and they already signed contracts." Simon smirks. "Besides your contract with Griffin says you must listen to everything he says. I paid him to help my boys so know you must sign this."

"This is bullshit. Do I least get something out of this?" I ask him and sign the damn paper.

"Of course. Everyone knows how Louis played you months ago and now you can play him. Nothing to extreme. He has a  job to do, missy. That contract you signed said if you by any means make him go to jail or have a writers block, you will be in court." Simon replies. Dammit. "I suggest you get going, your band is in the hallway waiting for you. Get them and go to the rehearsal room." 

I skim down the hallways with my band my side looking for this 295 room. Once we finally find it, I take a deep breath and open the door. All eyes land on us. Usually I would blush, but that stopped four months ago.

"Jenny!" Savannah yells. Oh shit. "You bitch! You haven't contacted me in months! And you suddenly pop out of nowhere! Give me a hug!" Savannah grabs my shoulders and pushes me to her. "Is it really true you slept with Adam Levine?"

"Yup." I say as Savannah gasps.

"Nuh-uh! He's like a sex go-" 

"Love you too, babe!" Niall hollers. I smirk at her and set my bag down. 

"So what brings you here?" Liam asks.

"I'm going on tour with you." I simply say. "Anyways I'm going out for a smoke. I'll be back in ten." I head for the door when someone yanks my arms back.

"Since when do you smoke?" Zayn asks. 

"Since I started looking up to you." I joke and I look around the room and noticed Louis shooting daggers at me. I smile wickedly and say, "Two months ago. Why do you c-"

"Louis!" A blond voice says, coming from nowhere. She runs over to Louis, like a penguin since she's wearing six inch heels, and kisses him. Full on make-out session. Disgusting.

"Liam!" I screech walking over to Liam pretending to kiss him. Everyone laughs except Louis and  the blonde.

"Excuse me!" The blonde says.

"Your excused. You may go now." I reply

"Don't talk to her like that!" Louis buts in.

"You weren't saying that when you called me a slut." I sass back. The room goes dead silent.

"Maybe cause you are." His girl-toy replies stupidly.

"What a hurtful thing to say. Does that mean we aren't fiends no more?" I joke and then say, "It's goo to know you can also open your mouth and not only your legs." 

"You bitch."

"Why, thank you!" I say  stepping closer to her.

"Of course you take as a compliment. After all you slept with over thirty guys." I charge at her. Before I can grab her Liam grabs my wrists. I ignored the pain and try to get out of his grip. Then another set of hands were on me. Soon three more. I couldn't move. "Ha."

"That's what everyone's gonna be saying when I slap you shitless, wannabe Lindsey Lohan." I shout as they drag me away. I jerk free from their grip and head to my purse. I didn't see a 'no soliciting' sign so I grab a cigarette from my purse. I light it up and put it in my mouth.

"That's enough! Til you stop smoking, sleeping around and acting like a bitch, you have to stay with me 24/7!" Savannah yells, grabbing the cigarette. That hurt. She grabs both packs of my cigarettes from my purse and gives them to Zayn.

"You can't do that." I say and snatch them back. "I came hear because I had to. I can smoke as much as I want and if you have a problem you can fight me. Now lets get this damn rehearsal going. I need to go home." 

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