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I threw my phone on the bed and took a bite from my apple

I checked my clock and it read 4:30

Shit. I grabbed my phone and my wallet before running out the door.

I sprinted down on the sidewalk and shoved open the door, hearing the familiar bell ring

I ran behind the counter and clocked in.

Phew..I was almost late

Maddie walked out from the backroom

"Geez, what took you so long" she said

"Lost track of time" I shrugged

"Here, shelve these records for me" she said, handing me a pile of records

"No prob" I said

I shelved the rest of the records before returning to the counter and flipping open a magazine.

I heard the door bell ring, but didn't bother looking up

"Welcome to Spiffy's Record Shop, How May I help you?" I said still skimming through the magazine

Whoever it was cleared there throat loudly

"I said How May I h- Oh hey Luke.." I said

He smiled. "I swear are you stalking me?" I teased

"I just saw you in the window and thought I'd stop by, maybe buy something" he said

"Oh so what do you want to buy?" I asked

"I'm looking for some Jimi Hendrix" he said

"I got just the thing" I ran out from behind the counter. I stood on my tip toes and reached for the highest record

"I got it" he said and reached up. "Here" he said grinning and handing me the record

"Thanks" I scampered behind the counter

I scanned the barcode "Wow um it's $134, I don't think you can affor-" I started to say

"There you go" he said pulling out 135 dollars cash

"Jesus Christ!" I said in awe

I gave him a dollar back.

"How did you..What the.." I said

"My parents are lawyers" he shrugged

"Oh" I said, still surprised

"Cya tomorrow at school" he winked before walking out

"Well damn.." I thought

After work I said goodbye to Maddie and walked home.

I opened my front door to see my mom yelling at Collin, my brother.

He just sat there acting like she didn't even exist.

I sighed and closed the door

They both looked up. "Where we're you?!" She yelled at me now

"Work" I said

"When did you get a job?" She said genuinely confused

"While you were getting wasted at a club" I said

She frowned "Don't talk to your mother that way! And why do you have a job? Your only 15!" She said

"I'm 18?" I said

"...You are? I could've sworn that your 15" She said

I laughed. "Wow mom."

"What?" she asked

"Do you even care?" I said, raising my voice slightly

"Of course I care about you kids." She said.

"Really? You don't even have a job, you can't remember your kid's age, What my middle name?!" I yelled

"That's easy, it's Kate" She said

"Seriously! It's Marie!! What the hell?!"

"Don't use that language!" She said

"Oh Shut up!" I yelled

"Do not use that kind of language with me!!" She said standing up and standing in front of me.

"Don't tell me what to do!?" I yelled

"I'm your mother!" She yelled

"Really? Cause' you don't act like it! You practically get drunk every night and sleep with every man who bothers to give you attention!" I yelled in response

"G-go to your room right now!" She screamed

I laughed "Go fuck yourself" I said before walking upstairs and slamming my bedroom door shut behind me.

I ran into the bathroom connecting to my room and slammed that door shut also, locking it.

I ripped open my cabinet and grabbed the small razor on the top shelf.

I pulled my sleeve up and pressed the sharp object to my wrist.

I only drew a little blood, so I pressed harder and glided it across. I slid it farther down my wrist and made more cuts.

I sighed and closed my eyes, letting out my frustrations.

Why was my life a fucking mess??

I cleaned the razor off and put it back. Then grabbed toilet paper and cleaned my wrist a little.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw my brother leaning against the wall, his hands in his jean pockets.

"Hey.." He said

"Sup.." I responded, lying down on my bed.

"Cutting again?" He asked

I didn't respond. "I wish you wouldn't do that" he shook his head

"I wish you didn't smoke, but that doesn't stop you!" I snapped

"I know I know, but I don't want you committing suicide or anything" he said

"I'm not that stupid." I said

"Where's mom?" I asked

"She stormed out of the house about 10 minute's ago" he responded, lying next to me on my bed.

"Oof course" I said

He put his arm around me. "I love you sis" he said, kissing the side of my head

"Love you too bro" I said, playfully punching his arm.

All of the sudden mom bursted through the door.

"Ugh, what do you want!?" I yelled, getting up.

"I want you out of my house, now!" She screamed

"Excuse me? How are you gonna pay the bill's without me!" I yelled back

"I don't care how I'm going to do it, get out of my house!" She yelled

"Fine, whatever.." I said, grabbing my suitcase and shoving everything in it.

"Bye bitch.." I said shoving my mom out of the way and leaving the house.

If she wants to kick me out of the house, fine. Finally she can take on her own responsibilities, instead of leaving everything to me.

So I walked to the only place I thought I could stay, Maddie's house.


This one was mostly just talking about/explaining skylars family. More Luke next time ;).

Soo how you guys like it? Tell me what you think in the comments or vote for it.

Byyeez my lovelies ;D

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