Chapter Two

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Chapter Two 

Drip - drip - drip. That sound. It's so nerve-wracking.

I look around me. I'm in the middle of an abandoned godforsaken alley. An old fountain lets out the remains of the water it seems to have been burdened with for a great deal of time now.

I touch the ground below me. It doesn't feel right. Somehow, there's a queer vagueness about my surroundings. It's almost as if - they're not real.

Could this be a dream? An illusion of the mind? An unfriendly prank?

Then, all of a sudden, I feel a sharp piercing pain in my back; the type of pain you would feel after getting stabbed by a knife.

Only this pain takes over my whole figure, causing me to bawl out into the darkness. My voice resonates down the dark, narrow and damp alley. A few seconds later, I hear the sound of rushing footsteps.

My heart skips a beat as a man strides up to me and gets down on his knees beside me. I try my best to decipher the features of his face.

Oh, man, I think to myself. That scar, that horrid grey scar. I would recognize it anywhere.

As he notices the altering of my features and the expression of panic and utter fear spreading across my face, his lips turn upside down and a large morbid grin spreads across his face.

"Hello, darling. Come on. Don't tell me you've given up. We've only just begun," he exclaims in such a pleasurable and highly exercised tone of such peacefulness that only meant that the worst had yet to come.


I wake up and open my eyes slowly. The room is vague and blurry, like the effects of an optical illusion. I blink a few times in an attempt to get a clearer view of my surroundings but in vain. The image before me remains blurry and I start to panic. I strive to pick myself up off the cold metal ground I'm lying on but notice that my hands and legs are bound. My mouth is covered with a scratchy cloth that happens to be tied all around my head.

I have a very bad feeling about this. After all, it isn't the first time.

As I grasp for air, I turn myself on my stomach and slide across the ground. Just then, I hear shuffling noises from behind the door of the room in which I am captivated. On the other side of the door, I hear the sound of something that might be a chair being thrown across the room and crashing into a glass object that smashes into several pieces. A heavy object - perhaps a human's form - impinges forcefully upon the ground. And then, there is no sound. In a moment's elapse, the atmosphere around me becomes so calm, so quiet, utterly tranquil that it is almost as if no soul has entered the premises where I lie for decades. And I must say, the suspenseful serenity of the present moment might very well allow others to perceive so.

My listless and languid body is in no shape to take me anywhere, probably due to the aftereffects of the drug I was coercively administered. I have no choice but to wait in the doldrums and to see what happens next.

As the seconds pass by, as slowly as ever, I lay there, perched upon the floor, in complete horror as to what might happen next.

To my disdain, the peaceful tranquility doesn't last long and I hear someone struggling with the bolts of the door on the other side.

In a moment's interval, the bolts are raised and a big man with dark hair walks in. I am unable to make out his features due to the weary state of my vision.

He walks over to me in quick, measured steps and then leans over my flat figure.

"Hello, poppet. You comfortable there? Wouldn't want to spoil your day now, would I?" he utters in a thick British accent, with a broad wicked smile across his face. As he smiles, he reveals a set of black and yellow teeth that might've turned that way as a result of smoking habits. Only then do I realize his large, piercing, razor-like, blue eyes staring down at me. I feel intimidated by them more than I do by the man who possesses them.

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