Chapter 7-When in doubt let's go out clubbing..maybe

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Ansel and an out-of-breath Theo rushed through the door. Theo bent down with his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"I told you they were in here," Theo huffed between breathes. I gave him a quizzical expression. "Ansel thought you would be waiting on set for us and when you weren't there he thought you were murdered or something so he made me run all the way here with him to check to make sure you guys were alive."

"Did not," Ansel stated defensively.

"Did to," Theo sent him the death stare after he had finally regained his breath. I was too absorbed in their playful banter to notice Ansel inching closing to the bag of food next to me on the couch.

"Nope," I smiled, holding the bag over my head which didn't do much good because he was like 6 foot 4. He eyed my playfully as I jumped off the couch and bolted toward the back of the trailer. I didn't get far before I felt two strong arms wrap around my stomach lifting my feet off the floor.

"Ahhhhhh Ansel put me down or I swear..." I threateningly screamed at him. I could hear Shai and Theo laughing the background.

"Or what?" he taunted me as he began to spin my around causing my to pull my leg to my chest in order to avoid kicking anything.

"Anseeeeelllllllll put me down," I demanded, dissolving into fit of giggles as I got more and more dizzy.

"Uhh fine," he said setting my giggling form on the ground. He then plucked the bag of food from my hand, "But I'm taking the food."

I was so dizzy that when I tried to sit up I stumbled to one side, Theo reaching out to stabilize me.

"Woah there," he said as he held onto my arm.

"I'm good," I reassured him, waving him off. He eyed my skeptically. "I'm fine Theo, like F-I-N-E." Shai broke into a fit of giggles as Theo just rolled his eyes.

"He's slow," Shai stage whispered to me.

"You're telling me?!" I remarked walking over to Ansel and plucking a french fry out of the to-go carton I had brought him.

"Hey," he reached for the fry just as I dropped it into my mouth.

"Revenge is sweet my friend," I replied slyly. "So how is the whole shooting a movie thing going?"

"Ehhh," Shai shrugged her shoulders.

"Well that was a convincing response," I joked.

"It's just that we're all exhausted. Don't get her wrong we love what we do but..." Theo elaborated before Ansel cut him off.

"But it's not exactly a piece of cake if you know what I mean," Ansel clarified.

"More importantly what are you doing with your time?" Shai asked looking over at me.

"Oh nothing much. Working at the cafe, hanging with you guys," I pretended to think before coming to a conclusion. "Yep that's about it."

"Okay then since no one here seems to have very grand plans," Theo interjected, "who's up for clubbing tonight?"

"I'm in," Ansel screamed practically jumping out of his seat.

"Why not?" Shai sighed. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Uhhh I don't know guys," I looked at the floor, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Come on Alice it'll be fun. We'll go shopping when I get off set and meet that boys there. Pleeeeeaaasssseeee," Shai begged. "Don't leave my alone with those two, pleeeaaaaaaassssseeeeee."

"Okay," I chuckled, "I'm in."

"Yes," Shai stated triumphantly.

"Clubbing it is," Theo stated.

A/N sorry I haven't update in like forever, school became hectic. Updates should be coming more often now. Also sorry the chapter was kind of short but I thought it was cute. If you wish please promote this story in any way that you can. (You don't have to but it would be much appreciated) Let me know what you think. Have a good day/night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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