Chapter 3-why defend the innocent

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A/N Ashley is going to be a bully and make some mean comments in this chapter about Alice's tattoo.  Just a warning.

I was still alone in the front of the cafe when the little bell dinged,and I heard multiple sets of footsteps entering the cafe.  All the people sat down at the table right by the front window.  From what I could see it was two boys and one girl.  I walked up to their table and handed them three menus, laid out silverware, and prepped to take their drink orders, pulling a notepad and pen out of my pocket.

"Hi!  I'm Alice and I'll be serving you today.  May I start you off with something to drink?"  They all smiled up at me, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  This was the cast of that movie that was messing up Chicago's streets.  I believe if I remember correctly it was called Divergent.  The only contrast was how friendly their smiles were compared to their intimidating, threatening stares that were on the cover of the magazine I had just read.

"Just three water please would be great," Shailene Woodley smiled up at me.  She really was gorgeous, at least by my standards.  Her long blonde hair laying wavy down her shoulders, he smile so contagious I even found one playing on my own lips.  

"Ok I'll be right back with those," I said turning to walk back behind the counter when I heard her voice again.

"Your tattoo," I must have visibly stiffened because she paused for a moment, "I love it.  It's gorgeous."  A genuine smiled splayed across my face, even though she couldn't see it.

"Thanks!  That means a lot," I turned around just a little to meet her eyes but my moment of happiness was cut short. 

 Ashley burst through the doors and without even looking up at me declared harshly, "I heard tattoo.  Alice are you scaring people away with that horrid drawing on your back.  I told you that you should cover it up for work."  The last part  came out as a I sneer.  

Shailene, along with the rest of the cast, was staring straight at Ashley in shock even though she hadn't even glanced up at the costumers.  The happiness drained immediately from my features and I tried to hide it with the best fake smile I could muster.

"Personally I think your attitude is scary," the words flew from Theo's lips before I realized what was happening.  He was standing up for me.  Why, I'm still not sure.  

Ashley lifted up her head to address her attacker only to be left wide eyed.  I could count the seconds it took for the color to drain form her face.  

"You're....You're...You're," she stuttered uncontrollably.  It was quite a sight since Ashley was generally the girl with a remark or comeback for every occasion.

"Oh so you're a fan.  Well before we sign autographs or anything," Ansel joked but his tone turned dangerously serious, "I think you owe someone an apology."  He jerked his thumb in my direction.

"I promise it's not what it looks like.  Alice and I always tease each other right Alice?" she approached the table and lightly punched my shoulder, attempting to be playful, but I wasn't having any of.  I stared pointedly at the floor but looked up at the sound of Shailene's voice.

"Obviously not," Shailene stated staring right at Ashley who was staring at me, begging me for help.  "You know something," Shailene started her voice dangerous, "her tattoo is beautiful, her smile is beautiful, she is beautiful, but most importantly her personality is beautiful and that is something you can never take away.  Let her do her and you can do you."

"Shai I hate to break up this lesson you're currently teaching but Neil is freaking out because he can't find us on set," Theo said staring at his phone exhausted.

"I thought we were finished for the day?" Shailene answered Theo.

"Nope we gotta reshoot the one train scene."

"No not the train scene," Shailene whined, running her hand down her face and Theo doing the same.

By the time I heard chairs squeaking on the floor I was already behind the counter, hidden from view, tears threatening to spill over.  The ding of the little bell faded and I was left to face just Ashley.

I looked at her taking deep breaths.  "Justice is served," I snapped.

"Easy for you to say.  The one who is always so indifferent.  The one who really doesn't care about anything or anyone.  You just made me look like a fool in front of my idols.  You little..."

My shift was over and the bell started dinging as I pushed open the door to leave.  Cutting her off I stated matter-of-factly, "No you made yourself look like a fool."

A/N All people are beautiful no matter what.  I love every single one of you who is reading this.  Please remember that you are beautiful , tattoos and all (if you have any).  Personally I love tattoos so much and I kind of want one.  Just please remember that every single one of you mean something to me.  Also I'm sorry for not posting for two days.  School is starting up and I am getting busier and busier but I'm going to update as much as possible.

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