Chapter 2:

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Kate and Nick were standing behind him. "Care to lower the weapon?" Kate asked. The man dropped his weapon and Jack kicked it away. They had him shut down all security in the building and entered the lab. He inserted a flash drive Tibbs gave to him. A password generator came up and letters, numbers, and symbols filled into place. The light turned green and the restraints on Mel's bed were released. They walked to Matt's room and repeated the process.

The alarms were blaring as the six walked into the room. "What did you do?" Jack said, starring at the man. "I didn't do anything. That's the medical bell." He replied. Jack ran to the origin of the alarms and looked at the monitor. "Who are you?" he asked himself. It read Abigail S. Gurteo and showed the heart rate. It was flat with a long, stretched out beep. Abby was dead.

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