A Story, That is True and really happend, if you read this i hope that it will make a difference

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a real life story - sad but true

" it all started on feb 13,2009. I went to work like it was any other day. But today everyone was sad and crying even some of the guys. " Sandra.... Tom left, to Denver and isnt comeing back" my best friend adrian said... You see Tom was my Genral Manager and one of my best friends and he left but then things got sooooo much worse. " Daniel I need to talk to you" i told my other manager, "ok" he said," Daniel, I know we dont get along at all but well I'm sorry, with Tom gone I think thhis needs to be resolved" i said " ok Sandra, let me just say this.....if you think someone has wronged you or is doing something wrong, tell them dont be shy and nice all the time, stand up for yourself and others will see that and do the same."" wow ok Dan, its just that well, you have kinda been mean to me and well i have been mean to you with Tom gone lets start over, we need eachother" " you got it, and I'm sorry too" we hugged for the first time and it was nice we made our peace.... fllash forword feb 15,2009 the worst day of my life and I'm only 22. I'm at home with my hubby when my phone rings its my friend Margo but we were in a fight so I let it go it was 8:00 am for crying out loud and my day off but it kept ringing 8:10 am " yea Margo"i said Margo" I *sob* NEED*sob again* ANTHONY'S NUMBER PLEASE!*crying un-contolableme"Ok Margo hold on i gave her the number thinkg what happend to Tom or her or anyone at work... so many things going through my mind.....8:15 am text from Adrian" DAN'S DEAD" so i called asking about 2 Daniels 1) a good friend 2) the manager i didnt get on with so well...... Adrian "its Dan the manager" i cried so hard it was my fault ( you see whatch what you say cuse i was so pissed at him one day i said to Adrian " why wont he die god i hate him soooo much and Adrian agreed) Erik my love was next to me i couldnt talk "baby whats wrong" " I have to go to work NOW!!!"" what happend?" "DANIELS DEAD!" we drove through town going 95 mph and i saw some cops i knew and they LOOKED DOWN!!! and i knew it was true they didnt stop me 8:30 am I saw Anthony... " Anthony is it TRUE is he dead!?!?!?" "YES he is" i fell to the ground and he held me "oh god what did i do"Nothing it wasnt your fault" Anthony told me as did everyone else... flash feb 20th,2009 Daniels funral... i cried through the service and when we went to burry his ashes... i stopped and prayed thet he would forgive me, then when they brought his ashes and placed them in the ground EVERYONE from my work lost it i put my 1 year pin on my flower and put it in his grave he had erend it... the hurt and guilt i felt and still fell is bad and hard, but at that exact moment... i knew that life is so presious(sp?) and valuable, in the whole 1 year and five mounth i worked there i didnt show up for my shift(yes corpret asshole tried to make us work) and 1 mounth after that i left. found myself again... i still go to his grave and talk to him things at work have gotten bad and out of control and i ask him for guidence... after that i quit drinking thats how he died drunk driving.... SO TO ALL MY FRIENDS WHO DRINK PLEASE I BEG YOU DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!! you just hurd how someone i wasn that fond of died and how bad i still hurt everyday i miss him, moren for him, and yes cry for him. now more than ever the people i work with even the ones i dont like all of us, after that tell eachother to be carfull and drive safe, i know now that even if i dont like someone with my entier being that i will NEVER wish or hope for death on them.... it may have not been my fault and i know some may hate me even though they dont know me but there are still so many what if's and if i should have's out there, my life has changed.... Daniel would always say " Everything Is Possible!" and it is and he told me one day"Sandra, if you think someone has wronged you or is doing something wrong, tell them dont be shy and nice all the time, stand up for yourself and others will see that and do the same." he told me that 2 days before he died like he knew what troubble layed ahead for my kicthen staff and i. and you know what i did stand up to our new g.m he was treating us like crap and one day he hurt the feelings of two of my fellow co-workers and they quit... i was about to do the same so was all the kicthen staff(ha! try runing a restarunt without cooks) so i called a meeting and we stood up to him and made him listen and i was the one who headed the meeting and Daniels words went through me as i did it" Stand up for yourself and others will see and do the same" and they did we took a stand and made a difference, we stood by the two who were wronged.... they now have their jobs and we are a family again. "Everything IS possible" so to who ever reads this i love you all and stay safe and most impotant dont let yourself get pushed around, stand up and be strong because in life you make it happen and "everything is possible" work for what you want and you may not get it right away but you will get it! this really happend and in his memory I wrote this because i still feel guilt and pain you may sak" why on here and think i'm not a good person" but i now know he belived in me and pushed me now more than ever I KNOW AND BELEAVE THAT " EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE"- a-colorful-marry-go-round-of-death9 aka sandra

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2009 ⏰

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