Finding Blue

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'Maybe we should rest...'  I suggested panting to show how tired I was. 'Yeah, Its dusk and im pretty tired' Leah said. So with that we decided to rest. 'We will find a place to stay first' Kiba told us. 'What about that tree over there?' Toboe replied happily. He let out a playful howl as I nudged him and told him to be quiet. Why doesn't he ever learn?


Ugh I was so tired, we had to rest. We've been trying to get to the other city all day. Toboe suggested a tree and we all agreed.

We all said goodnight to eachother and we quickly fell asleep. I woke up to see Kiba lying on top of me with his head at the crook of my neck. His claws digging into the ground to stop anyone from 'taking' me. I tried to move but he growled and dug deeper into the ground. Instead of that, I just lay there silently. He made me feel warm and he made me feel safe. I shouldn't be having these feelings but I just do... I can't change the way I feel about him.

I decided to get up as I was terribley uncomfortable with Kiba on me. So I riggled him off gently and got up. The moon was shining bright in my eyes and it reflect on the pond near the tree. As much as I wanted to howl I couldn't. 

I heard footsteps behind me so I flipped my head round to see a very angry white wolf looking at me. 'What are you doing up?' He asked me with a annoyed tone. 'Er, just enjoying the moon while its out?' I lied. 'Well you better be getting back to sleep,' We have a busy morning ahead,' He told me. I nodded and lay down where I was. 'Not there, silly' He said with a little chuckle. 'Come with me' He smirked. 

He slowly walked over to the other side of the tree where everyone was sleeping, while I trailed behind. I sat near the tree and Kiba lay down near me in human form. 'You know if it wasn't for you I  would of never seen my friends again, thank you,' Kiba said. I blushed a little and replied 'If it wasn't for you I would of had no one.' Kiba got up and reached his hand out pulling me up to my feet. He gently pushed me against the tree and his lips crashed against mine. I tried to push him back but I ended up letting him in more. I heard a cough from where the boys were sleeping. Kiba quickly broke the 'kiss' and looked over from where he heard it. 

'Y'know I knew something would happen between you two...' Tsume chuckled. Kiba gave him a dirty look and growled. 'Don't be having a go at me, I'm not the one making out with a girl I bearly know,' He said quite loud waking up Hige. 'Yo, what's going on,' Hige asked half asleep. 'Oh nothing, just Kiba and Leah snogging.' Tsume laughed. 'W-what?' He questioned. At this point I went away and realised Kiba was following me. 'I'm sorry,' He said emotionally. 'For what?' 'Were those feelings fake?'I asked raising one eyebrow. 'No...' He replied. 'I don't know.' 

'I love you Kiba' I said.

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