Lulu's POV
I was texting Luke earlier and what I read was shocking
Luke: Lulu we need to talk.
Lulu: About what pookey?
Luke: We have to break up :(.
Luke : Lulu please say something.
I couldn't say anything or type anything. I just cried and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried. I cried myself to sleep and then woke up crying but I stopped before anyone woke up. I went down stairs to eat breakfast. I knew mom had already made it so I first had to clean up my face. "Hey sweetie good morning" my mom said brightly but what's so good about it. "Hi mom thanks for cooking but I think I just wanna take this upstairs I am not feel that well". "Okay honey I will check on you later". I was in my room eating and on my laptop on tumblr. Tumblr Clears my mind. Then Max comes by and says "Sorry about your break up with Luke". Then walks away then I realize I didn't tell anyone. I had to go investigate I went on all of the boys twitter Facebook anything social. Nothing! While Max was down stairs I went into his room and unlocked his phone and looked at his messages not one from Any of the boys. Then i went on his laptop Quickly trying to fund what i was looking for. Facebook messages no,Dms on twitter no. Something was fishy and it wasn't just the boy funk. Max knew something and I am gonna get it out of him.

Your Brother Wanna Fight Me//Luke Brooks
FanfictionLulu has a older protective brother but he goes to far when she try's to find a boyfriend. Then Luke comes and he is different he will do anything to keep Lulu. When Luke doesn't back down will her brother go to far.(COMPLETED)