Chapter 12 - A New Villager in Town

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Chapter 12 – A New Villager in Town


[Ina’s POV]


A week had already passed and everything was great. All my life, I’d never felt so alive. I’d never felt so needed by someone that I barely knew. It was another feeling that awakened within me. It was a different feeling of what I felt when I was with Tamaki before.

Tamaki knew how to shield himself away from my touch but Sasori didn’t have an idea of how to do that.

Our relationship was definitely something to envy. There was trust in our relationship. There were no secrets hidden from each other.

Sasori wasn’t the emotionless puppeteer that I met before. He showed emotions and even though it wasn’t that plenty, I knew they were real. I liked the mystery side of him and obviously, women liked that side too.

Whenever the two of us were out of our apartment, women always fell for his charms. They tried to talk to him like I wasn’t even there. But on all those times, Sasori chose me over them. S

asori chose me like the rest were nothing to him.

And that was enough for me.

But good things always had an end.

Everything for me would come to an end.

“Ina,” an anbu appeared inside my apartment while Sasori was still sleeping peacefully. I didn’t know why his breathing calmed me down in a way. I guessed that I was just captivated by every little thing that he did. Watching him sleep was a hobby of mine, and of course, he didn’t need to know that. Maybe it would really creep him out. “The Tsuchikage is looking for you,”

“I’ll be right there,” I answered and he vanished once again. I walked out of my apartment and headed straight to the Tsuchikage’s building.

What did that old little man want from me now?

I was free right now, right? I killed everyone in the bingo book. I was guaranteed of a year of freedom. Why did he call to my attention right now?

Screw you, little old man.

“Ina, you’re here,” that was the first thing the Tsuchikage said once I entered his office. There was a man who had his back on me, with a familiar aura surrounding me. His presence was what I knew so well.

I sheathed my swords from my back and lunged at him. The Tsuchikage went in front of me. “What are you doing here?” I spat at his direction.

“He’s under my protection,” the Tsuchikage answered. I glared at the Tsuchikage. Now, that was something I didn’t expect for myself to do. The Tsuchikage was someone to be respected, and I just glared at him like we were of the same rank.

“He’s a criminal,” I reasoned with the old man. I looked up and saw Tamaki just smirking at me. He knew that I wouldn’t disobey the Kage’s order. I was too loyal to even do that. I didn’t want to be kicked out of the village after all. “He’s a criminal Tsuchikage-sama, why did you take him back?”

“He’s not Tamaki,” the Tsuchikage answered.

I stared wide-eyed at the old man then to Tamaki. It was Tamaki, that was for sure. His smirk was enough of a proof. I could sense the presence of my ex-lover. I wasn’t that dumb…like the Tsuchikage. “Did he put you on genjutsu?” I questioned.

“If I was in a genjutsu, I wouldn’t be myself, Ina,” he responded. “But I am telling you the truth, he is not Tamaki,”

“Who is he?” I asked.

The Tsuchikage stepped aside and let Tamaki introduced his self to me. “I’m Hiroto. Tamaki’s twin brother,”

Silence hovered around us for the longest time. “That’s impossible,” I knew for myself that it was possible. I just didn’t want to admit to myself that I trusted Tamaki more than enough for him to hide these things from me.

“Tamaki killed our beloved sister for power,” he explained. “I did not respect his decision and I will forever hate him for what he did,”

“But why are you here?” I asked, still not convinced.

“I turned down the opportunity of being a successor years ago, but Tamaki wanted it, but our parents decided to give it to our older sister, who he killed,” he paused then continued, realizing that he had not answered my question. “I’m here to train myself. I decided to travel every village to enhance my skills and become the greatest successor of our clan,”

“And why did you call me here, Tsuchikage-sama?” I asked the elder.

“It’s for you to train him,” the old man said. “I’m busy with missions to assign and the paperworks,”

“Why me?” I blurted out.

“You’re the best,” the Tsuchikage spoke. I didn’t know if it he said that out of pure worship for me, or he just said it for me to teach HIroto.

“And if I refuse?” I asked. I knew for myself that I didn’t want to train with the twin brother of the man that I now despised the most.

“I’ll kill Sasori myself,” the Tsuchikage gave me the serious look. “And if he chose to run away, I will hunt him down. But if you do this, no one in the village or outside the village, will know about his existence. It will be our secret. No one really knew about Sasori’s real appearance except the ninjas from Konohagakure and the elders. His grandmother, Chiyo, was my friend. I heard that she died, and it’s indirectly because of that redhead you brought here. If you choose to refuse, I will feel obligated to avenge my friend,”

“I get it,” I sighed. “Don’t touch him,” I then looked at Tama—Hiroto. “Let’s go,”

Author's Note - Ron-Chan (Kunoichi101)

Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to start updating regularly if I can. I think it will start next week, and obviously if you're reading this after a million years, this wouldn't be a problem to you anymore.

And the next story that I'm going to start is a Kakashi Fan Fiction. I just love him so much that I can't seem to wait to make a story for him.

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