Chapter 18 - Too Dumb to Have it Figured Out

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Chapter 18 – Too Dumb to Have it Figured Out


[Ina’s POV]


I couldn’t quite tell what shocked me the most. Was it the fact that Tamaki, my ex-lover, was standing right in from of me. Or was it the idea that I didn’t figure out that there was no Hiroto in the first place and only Tamaki.

I was so stupid.

I thought that there was really a twin brother because I saw memories when I touched him. I saw memories that he was someone to be trusted because he was betrayed by Tamaki. I didn’t figure out that Tamaki could really alter what I could see from the past.

I just wished for the ground to swallow me right now.

I didn’t believe Sasori when he told me about the bad intentions of Hiroto. No, he wasn’t even telling me those intentions, he was telling me to simply choose him to live a happy life…but I didn’t. It was the reason why I’m here right now.

“What do you want?” those were the only words that escaped my mouth.

“Funny, darling,” he smiled an insincerely. “You’re kind to Hiroto, but to me?” he shook his head. “Hiroto and I are the same, why not think of me as Hiroto if you’re comfortable with it?”

“You didn’t answer my question, what do you want?!”

“Oh, you turned feisty,” Tamaki licked his lips. “I like this side of you,”

“Shut up,” Sasori said in frustration.

“That’s why I couldn’t see Hiroto’s past,” I figured it out. “He—You kept telling me that you weren’t supposed to give away your past because of your clan, but now I know why, because you and Hiroto are one,”

I couldn’t quite believe it.

I was fooled again, by the same person who made a fool out of me first.

“I’ll let you two know a little secret of mine,” Tamaki chuckled. “Remember Kirami?”

When Sasori and I heard that name come out of his mouth, we were stunned.

How the hell were we supposed to forget about Kirami after all? How could we forget about the evil blonde woman?

“Let’s get going then,” he said. As we walked, I felt someone tailing us. I ignored it because I thought it was just a civilian passing by, but the footsteps were still following us. I stopped walking as Sasori followed my example. I instantly grabbed a kunai from my pouch and threw it at the footsteps’ direction.  I knew it did not hit the person because the sound of the kunai hitting the ground was clear, which meant, he or she managed to dodge it.

“Show yourself,” I said. Then, a blonde kunoichi appeared right in front of us. How I knew she was a kunoichi was because of the huge amount of chakar inside her. “Why are you following us?” I asked her. She didn’t answer, she just stared at Sasori. I looked at Sasori but it seemed like he didn’t have an idea of who the kunoichi was. “Again. Why are you following us?” I asked again, this time with a little anger in my voice.

“I was following you since you got here,” she stated simply.

“And why is that?” Sasori asked.

“I was attracted to you,” she said as Sasori stared at her with his eyes wide open. She was attracted to Sasori? “Can I please join you on where you’re going?”

It was obvious that there was something wrong with his kunoichi. Luckily, I knew that Sasori wouldn’t even believe her.

Even though I was sure at first that Sasori wasn’t going to be fooled by Kirami, he believed her and even chose her over me. How the hell was I going to forget about her?

“Surely your memories of her are still fresh, eh?” Tamaki laughed. “She is of course a relative of mine, or should I say a loyal servant of mine,”

“What?” Sasori frowned. “You were watching us all this time,”

“I was watching Ina all this time,” he laughed evilly. “I even saw her revived you. But back to the topic, you now know the reason why you weren’t able to see Kirami’s past, Ina,”

“It’s because she’s a relative of yours, she shares the same Kekkei Genkai of the Suma clan,” I answered. “You used her to break me and Sasori apart. You used her so I would be unguarded and alone,”

“Well, I didn’t expect him to get away from her so quickly,” he nudged at Sasori. “Kirami’s a strong kunoichi for me, but you’re stronger,”

“Like I need that kind of compliment coming from you,” I snorted. “So what are you going to do now? It’s two against one. You’re going to be dead meat,”

“You sure have faith, Ina,” he said.

“I’ll kill you in an instant,” Sasori blurted out and I saw his puppet appear behind Tamaki. When the puppet was going to hit him, Tamaki vanished into thin air and appeared behind us. Before he could even land a blow against us, we jumped out the way.

“I didn’t expect for your instincts to be this fast,” Tamaki complimented once again. “But you didn’t even let me finish of what I was going to say,”

“Tell us your last words,” Sasori demanded.

“It’s not my last words…puppeteer,” Tamaki smirked. “It’s more like your last words,”


Hey, guys! I uploaded a new story and it's a Shino love story/fanfiction. I'm going to updated regularly from now, I promise.

This fanfic is only two chapters away, one being the last chapter ^^ The fan fic after this is Kakashi's love story/fan fiction. 

I'm still sad to see this story go. But everything needs to come to an end after all! Please do support the fanfics that I'm going to make.

And please do like my cosplay page on facebook :

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