Chapter 15 - A Month Later

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Chapter 15 – A Month Later


It had already been a month.

A month that I had not seen Sasori.

A month that I didn’t feel anything about the world anymore.

I turned numb, but I wasn’t blaming Sasori for that. I was blaming myself for the idiotic decision that I had made a month ago. He gave me a choice, and obviously, I chose the wrong one.

I wanted to find him, but the Tsuchikage told me that he was better gone.

Hiroto never left my side. He never left my side even if I refused to talk to him and just trained with him.

I hadn’t talked to anyone ever since he left me.

I was mute and I didn’t even know the sound of my own voice anymore.

I was bruised.

And I was emotionless.

And that summed everything up for me. It was less painful for me not to talk.

If he did feel something for me, why didn’t he come back? How could such a ridiculous decision ruin my world for me?

I never reacted like this when I broke my ties with Tamaki. But why was it different when it came to Sasori?

But how was it possible for him to make me feel like this even if I hadn’t known him for the longest of time?

Why was I so deeply in love with that certain redhead who never turned back for me?

“I’ll be sending you to a mission,” the Tsuchikage said. “You need to go to the Hidden Sound Village to kill Kirosu. He’s very powerful. His skills are close enough to mine. You need to be very strategic when it comes to killing him,”

I never questioned the Tsuchikage, not even once. I wouldn’t ask why he would want me to kill a certain ninja. And I certainly wouldn’t ask him why he would want me to kill a ninja that was in the same level as him.

The Tsuchikage was more powerful than me, did he want me dead?

Or did the Tsuchikage want to end my suffering by killing me?

Again, I wouldn’t question his order.

Even though I was still on vacation, I accepted the mission as he gave me a photograph of Kirosu for me to know what his facial features were. It would be easier for me to kill him if I was familiar with his face.

I nodded and bowed to him before leaving his office.

[Sasori’s POV]

“What do you want for me to do, Kirosu?” I asked my master. He was my master because I didn’t have a choice. He secretly put a jutsu on me a few weeks ago while I was wandering the Sound village. I would follow his every command even if I didn’t want to.

I still kept my mind of my own, but my body wouldn’t follow my order, it would follow Kirosu’s. Since I didn’t have a choice but to follow him, I just went along with it.

“You have to get ready. I sense something very wrong, like someone would be here for the purpose of killing me,”

Kirosu didn’t know that I was Sasori of the Red Sand. He wasn’t that knowledgeable about me being a former member of the Akatsuki. He just knew that I was a rogue ninja who was just a very skilled puppeteer.

“You need me to guard the place for you?” I asked him, even if I already knew the answer.

“Of course,” he said. “But I’ll also be on my guard. Kill that ninja if you have to,”

“As you wish,” I bowed to him before proceeding to my spot of where I was going to guard him.

[Ina’s POV]


I didn’t pass the guards of the village because I secretly used the passageway of the woods. I was an assassin. I knew many ways of how to enter a village without being seen.

I touched the ground and saw that Kirosu already walked the same grounds that I was walking. I touched everything that could possibly lead me to Kirosu,

I stopped in front of a hide-out. I didn’t hide because I knew that someone already sensed me from the inside.

An unknown ninja attacked me from behind. I looked at him and saw that I didn’t know him. Why would I know him? I didn’t know anyone from this village. I unsheathed both of my swords from my back and stabbed the ninja on the chest and the stomach.

I turned around to continue when I saw a familiar redhead staring wide-eyed at me.

For the first time in a month, I spoke again. But this time, hatred was obvious in my voice, “It’s nice to see you again, Sasori,” I snickered. “I never thought that I’d find you here,”

I didn’t know why I was angry when I was the one who made the wrong decision. Maybe I was just angry because he didn’t return back to me when I was already suffering.

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