Masaka childhood (Teams) PT2

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Masaka's pov:

Todays the day we finally get put into team's. Man I'm excited!... but also nervous, I just really hope I get to be with Obito and Rin,  I don't care about anyone else but them. I made sure to wake up early this morning since I didn't want to be late. Which suprised Kushina since she bursted through my room just to meet emptiness, Kind of embarrassing if you ask me. I began eating my breakfast that Minato put out for me, to be honest he's a better cook than Kushina and a better house wife but don't tell her that.

"So care to tell me why your up sooooo...early" Kushina cooed with an questioning look.

"Well today's the day 'crunch' we get put into teams however one team 'crunch' has to have an extra member". I exclaimed happily with my mouth full.

"Masaka!, DON'T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL!". She said angrily as her eyes glows bright as the sun and her hair sprung into the air as anger flowed inside her and her fist came smashing down on top of my head.

"OUCH YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO HIT ME THAT HARD!" I yelled as I rub the head trying to ease the pain.

'sigh' " I swear Masaka your just like a little kid".

"You treat me like a kid, and your suppose to be my sister in law". I replied with a smirk and her face reddens.

"Kushina, I think he's rubbing off on you" Minato applied Happily as I just sweat dropped.

"Well thanks for breakfast like always bro I'm leaving".

As I left the kitchen and got myself ready for the day and began heading out to the academy. While I was walking I saw two familiar faces, "Obito, Rin!" I jogged up to catch up with them as they heard my voice and turned around to waved at me.

"Good morning Masaka", "Sup Masaka" I looked to see both of them giving me a warm welcome smile,I then turn to look at Rin, she looks happy as normal, and then I turned to Obito, he had a few scratches on him with bandages patching them up. I smiled back at them and say my good mornings to them as well. We began making our way to the academy together talking about things that were on our minds. Rin was talking about how she wants to become a medical ninja and Obito talked about how he wants to become hokage, thinking about about what I want to be I'm still clueless. 

"So do you guys think we're going to be in the same squad?" I ask curiously.

"Hm.. not sure they match you in your skills and ability, Like the person with the highest score is matched with the person with the lowest score, I think" 'Rin explained as I just nodded in understanding. Soon we were a few feet away from the academy where other children were walking in. As we were walking in, Rin suddenly walks ahead of us to catch up with someone'.


"Obito, what's wrong?" I ask as he looked irritated. I look at the direction he was gazing which was Rin talking with another boy which I think I have met before. I watch closely as Rin blushes while walking next to Kakashi. I turn to look at about to say something until I was cut off'.

"Hey seems like Obito got his ass kicked again. Thats what you get for challenging Kakashi" One of them said as some girls squealed hearing the boys name.  'so that's his name' Obito looked even beyond pissed as I need to find a way to comfort him.

'sigh' "You really like Rin, don't you Obito?" I mentioned as his face goes red and rises his hand in defence.

"NO, it's not like that! I swear" Obito said as he cover his face in his hands from stopping me seeing him blushing.

"Hmm... Well good luck and don't give up on Rin, I know she's better off with you" I gave him a smile and began to follow the other students.

"HEY, COME BACK HERE WE'RE NOT DONE YET!" He said as he catches up with me. As we made it to class we went to our seats and waited for the results. Obito was blabbing random things to Rin but I was to tired to listen.

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