Chapter 2

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It's been 4 months since Davina's death. Her funeral was two weeks following her death. Marcel was distraught when Klaus had told him the news. Elijah and Klaus had recently been fighting worse than before due to Arora.

Klaus was painting in his room when Marcel had entered.

"Have you been taking your anger out on the locals and tourists?" he asked as his greeting.

"Hello Marcel," Klaus turned away from his painting and set his paint brush down. "And no, I haven't. I've sustained myself with blood bags. Why do you ask?"

"Twenty-two people," Marcel held out a stack of files. "Have gone missing. Thirty-three found dead, drained of blood. Would've been thirty-four if one hadn't just barely survived."

"I'm offended you thought of me at all, considering I'm not sloppy. I would've left no one." Klaus noticed a paper in Marcel's hand. "What's that?" Marcel looked down at it before looking back at Klaus.

"I was able to keep it all quiet and compelled the survivor and police artist make a sketch of one of the attackers. Only one was seen but he knew for a fact there was two, a British male and an American female. Only the female was seen." Marcel handed Klaus the sketch.

Klaus almost gasped and his eyebrows furrowed.

"The survivor was wrong or the sketch artist drew wrong. This can't be her. Impossible."

"What? Why?"

"I know two people who look exactly like this. One's dead and the other couldn't hurt a fly." he looked at Marcel. "Did the survivor catch a name?"

"Yeah. The guy called her Elena."


She buried her face in his neck and sighed. Kol grinned. He enjoyed her company more then anyone else, not that'd he'd admit it.

They were on an old plantation Kol compelled from the owner and had it fixed up during their time away. They'd been back for a week to settle in. He had the owner alive and compelled to listen to him and Elena only and serve in the home as a maid and to never invite anyone into the house except, of course, a few of Elena and Kol's sites vampires that resided in the house. The others were in different states or countries, turning people or they were running around Louisiana.

"How do you feel, darling?" he was gazing at the view, they stood on their upstairs bedroom balcony.

"Free," she mumbled in his neck. She pressed a kiss to his skin before pulling away from his neck and looked up at him. "You were right, I feel amazing." She grinned up at him. Her mind went back to that night.

Before she knew what was happening, Kol's lips were on hers. She instinctively faught against him, but his hold on her was too strong. One hand moved to her bottom and squeezed roughly emitting a gasp from her. He took this moment to thrust his tongue into her mouth. Elena struggled but began enjoying the kiss and found herself vigorously returning it. He released her right hand, enveloping her in both arms. Elena wrapped one arm around his neck and ran her other hand through his soft hair. Kol broke away. Elena's eyes flutter open and they stare into each other's eyes.

"Lets make a deal, Elena." Elena stepped away from him.

"What kind of deal?" her voice shook and she wore a weary expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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