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I wanted more in life then just this beat down pizza joint. I could go back to school. I mean my school gets out around the same time as my sisters so I could go back. But with the bills that have to be paid I don't really think I could.

I was always really good at fixing things so maybe I could get a job as a mechanic. And I'm good at cooking to, I could upgrade my job and be a cook. I could do a lot of things, but I'm not sure what I should do anymore. I will try to maintain this job for as long as I can so I can support my sister and myself. I'll apply for a better job when the time is right. Maybe. But as of right now I have to focus at the task at hand, and getting my rent in on time is on the top of my to do list.

On my days off I stay home. I help my sister and I clean the apartment so the landlord wont kick us out. My little sister loves to dance. And before mom died she invested a lot of money to put my dear sister into a dance school. I'm very proud of her, and for a ten year old pain in the butt she's extremely talented. I pay two-hundred dollars every three months to keep her in the class. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my Emily.

I try my best to be a good big brother, but I am not entirely sure I am doing a very good job. Me and Emily argue a lot now that moms gone, And she stays in her room most of the time and avoids me around supper time. Sometimes she comes out of her hermit shell and we laugh and play around. I swear with my mother gone it has been almost twenty times harder taking care of my sister. My sister tried to encourage me to date more, to giver her a "new" mother figure. But I don't know how to please her. I want to find a girl who fits my needs along with Emily's, who will care for my sister and love her and who will stay honest and true to me. I want a girl who is willing to put everything aside to help, to support. But where am I going to find a girl like that. That's almost as impossible as finding a real life unicorn, or at least that's what Emily use to tell me when I couldn't do anything. She always had an interesting way to cheer me up.

I wish I could be a better brother to her but I work a lot and I'm not home all of the time, sometimes I have the lady across the hall watch over her, Ms.Beam I think her name was. Shes was in her mid sixties when I first the lady so I think shes in her seventies now. Emily use to call her the crazy cat lady, because she would meow all the time like she had a cat even though I haven't ever seen one. I don't even think the landlord lets pets in the building. But we just laugh it off and keep going our own way. Sometimes Ms.Beam and Emily talk about mom. They would be mid conversation when I come home, Emily would have tears running down her little rosy cheeks. We don't really talk about her much when we are together, I guess its because I still haven't accepted the fact that she was dead. That my mother was gone because some idiot got drunk. My sister barely has a life because of a drunk driver.

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